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I woke up pretty early this morning, at the same time as the sun. It was when i opened my eyes that I remember I wasn't in my room. I was on the top of the treehouse, with Newt lying next to me.
He's still asleep at this moment. It's probably around 5.30 a.m.. No other Gladers are awake yet. But the sun is always awake at 5 a.m. and so was I this morning because of the light.

I like early monings in the Glade. The nights are always a bit cold, but the very first sunshine brings the warmth back. But still, it's not hot enough to be all sweaty. And the sound of the birds, and the sheep and goats waking up. There is no sound of boys yet, just the nature in peace.

Until you have a little heart attack from the sound of the Maze changing. Or worse, hearing a Griever. I'm totally used to the Glade, but i'm still afraid of the Maze. Sometimes, I'm curious about it. I wonder how it is. But I would never want to be a Runner.

I'll have to wake up Newt any minute now. We have to talk with Alby and Minho before he has to go run in the Maze. But Newt looks so cute asleep. No, not important now.

I give him a little push. "Hi, Newt. Wake up. We need to go and wake Gally, Alby, and Minho."

He slowly opens his eyes and looks in mine. "Good morning, Beautiful."
A smile appears on his lips. "Did you sleep well?"

"I did, thank you. Did you?"

"When you stopped talking in your sleep, yes."

"Oh, I'm sorry. What did I talk about?"

"Uhm, things like 'WICKED is good' and 'I can't go'. Do you still don't remember your dreams."

"No, I wish I did."

"I don't know about that. My most reculare dream is how I'm drowning and screaming. And people looking at it but not doing anything. I can't see their faces, though."

"Okay, maybe I should be happy. But you know, maybe if I did, I would know more about the creators. Or something that could get us out of here."

"We'll get out of here soon, Love. No worries. We should go now, wake up the others."

So that's what we do. We go back down the ladder and go to the other Gladers.
I wake up Gally and Alby, Newt wakes up Minho. We all meet in the hut that's used for the Gatherings.

"Okay, what do you three want to tell me?"

Gally is going to explain it: "It's about Rebecca, Alby. She's a problem. She threatened Y/n and hurt her. You see the cut in her arm, that's from Rebacca."

"Is that true, Y/n?" Alby asks.


"Why would she do that?"

"Because Y/n knew what game she's playing. Minho, tell what you told Y/n, please, about you and Rebecca." Gally sounds angry.

"Uhm," Minho looks confused. "Rebecca spends a lot of time with me. Then, she talks about how she needs me and how I make her feel safe. And that she would date me if there wasn't a rule against it."

"Well, Y/n also talked to me," Newt starts. "And I told her the same things. Because Rebecca was always telling me the same things, Minho. I'm sorry, she's playing with us."

Minho eyes go wide, and he looks shocked and disappointed. "W-what? She didn't kiss you, did she?"

"What? No, defently not."

Subject A5 & A17 (Maze Runner-Newt x reader)Where stories live. Discover now