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In the meantime, in the WICKED labs

Ava Paige: "What's going on with Subject A17? Why is she starting to remember things? That shouldn'tbe possible."

Teresa: "I don't get it either. Her dreams are clearly memories from when she was here. The one from last night was maybe about when Subject A5, Newt, was brought away from her."

Scientist: "Yes, but how? And they're talking about the feeling they remember. What's up with that?"

Everyone is silent for a while, thinking about it. 

Thomas: "I think it's the bond they have, Y/n and Newt. You all saw what happened when she gave Newt a kiss, her brainactivity."

Teresa: "You think Y/n gets some memories back from getting that close with Newt agian?"

Thomas nods. Ava Paige gets mad.

Ava: "These two better don't get together! What if A17 remembers everything? Then she knows about us, about everything. We can't have that."

Thomas: "Come on, Ava, can't you just let them be in love? Nothing will happen."

Ava: "Why are you on there side Thomas? You are the one that took care of A17 when she was put in there. Did you maybe do something so she would remember more than others?"

Thomas: "No, of course not. How can you think that?"

Teresa: "Let's just drop it for now. We'll see how it goes."

Ava: "Fine, but Thomas. If I find out you have anything to do with this, I'll send you in that box."

Ava Paige leaves the room.

Teresa: "Wait, who is the next one going in, actually?"

Scientist: "Uhm, that's Subject A4, the little one."

Thomas: "Chuck."







Subject A5 & A17 (Maze Runner-Newt x reader)Where stories live. Discover now