6// Dreaming

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~~End of Newt's pov~~

Another few days have passed in the Glade.
Y/n is now almost two weeks in the Glade. And she finally found her place and her people.

Y/n is becoming best friends with Minho. She is also good friends with Frypan, Winston, and Clint.
Gally is becoming a real friend too. Although they don't always get along, he's still very sweet to her.
And of course, there's also Newt, she likes him a bit more every day, as a friend. Still, she wishes he would talk more. It's mostly Y/n who's talking.

The girl Greenie is now working in the gardens. And she's enjoying it. Working outside and taking care of the plants, it's more her thing than building.

Speaking of building, Gally has some news for Y/n. Her room to sleep in is finally ready.
It took pretty long, that because they didn't have all the supplies they needed. But the builders made it work, and tonight, she'll be sleeping a lot closer to the boys.

Right now, it's dinner time. Y/n is sitting next to Minho, and next to him is Clint. Newt is sitting in front of Y/n with Gally next to him.

"Can you pass me the water, Greenie?" Clint asks Y/n friendly.

"You guys should stop calling me that," Y/n says as she does what he asked.

"Why? You are the Greenie," Gally answers her.

"Yeah, but I also have a name."

"I'm sorry, Y/n," Clint says. "I'll try to stop calling you Greenie. It may last another two weeks until there's a new Greenie."

"I won't try, Greenie," Gally says with a smile. He likes to irritate the girl a bit.

"I think I'm gonna stick with 'princess' for a while," Minho says as he lies his arm around Y/n.

Newt joins the conversation: "I won't call her that too much when Alby is around. You don't want him to think you like Y/n, as in you're in love with her."

Minho realizes his friend is right and takes his arm away from the girl.

"Hey, Newt is the only one who always just called me by my name. From the first moment that I remembered it." Y/n notes. She smiles at him, and he gives her a little smile back.

"Let's make sure Alby doesn't think you two like each other," Minho jokes while giving her a little push with his arm, so she would stop looking at Newt like that.


Y/n is sleeping peacefully for the first time in her room with her own bed. She didn't fall asleep quickly that night. She was thinking about what Minho said.

She doesn't understand how it would look like she and Newt like each other They bearly talk, especially never alone.

It must have been the way she looked at him. She just never realized that before.

But it doesn't matter, Y/n thinks. She does not have feelings for Newt, so there's no problem. And he doesn't have feelings for her either. Otherwise, he won't suggest a rule that says 'no dating'.

Minho was just joking about it.

All of a sudden, Y/n can't breathe anymore. Something is covering her mouth or someone. It's a hand.

Y/n wakes up and opens her eyes in panic, trying to get some air.

"Ssst, be quiet Y/n," says the one who's covering her mouth and he let go again. Y/n is breathing heavily. It's hard to see who's standing next to her bed in the dark. But she immediately recognized the hair.

Subject A5 & A17 (Maze Runner-Newt x reader)Where stories live. Discover now