28// Loving

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~~ End of Newt's pov~~

"I remember my name," the young boy says, sitting across one of the only Gladers he trusts.
"It's Chuck."

Newt gives the boy a smile. "Welcome to the Glade, Chuck."

A smile appears on the curly haired Greenie, too. It just doesn't last long. Newt can see that the boy has been crying a lot.
"Is there anything I can do for you?" Newt asks.

"I have a few questions. I would ask them to Y/n, your girlfriend, but she's working. And she told me yesterday that I can ask you things if you're not too busy."

Newt's heart always skips a beat when someone calls Y/n 'your girlfriend'. It always makes him smile.

"I have a little bit of time for you, yes."
He actually doesn't, but he's worried about the boy and wants to help him.

"That boy yesterday, Dave, I think. He said something about Y/n being with the Creators?
I don't understand it. What Creators and how was Y/n with them?"

Newt takes a moment to think before he answers.
"Well, the Creators is what we call the people who put us here. The people who took our memories away and sent us up with the Box. And the those who created the Maze and the Glade in it. We have no idea who they are."

Chuck needs some time to let it all sink in a bit. Every new piece of information is again a reason to feel bad and to want to go home. Whatever that might be.
For Chuck, it will never be the Glade. For Newt, home is Y/n.

"You probably don't know why we are brought here?"

"I wish I did."

"But how was Y/n with them? And what was it with a part of her memory being wiped? Can you maybe just tell me the whole story of that?"

"Uhm..." Newt doesn't like to talk about those days. It had been a crazy ride for him.

First, he thought he would die.
Then, Y/n was gone, and he thought she was dead.
Then, Y/n is back but doesn't know him anymore.
Newt wonders how he survived those days. Chuck is just staring at him, waiting for his answer.

"It's gonna be the short version. I don't have a lot of time, actually."

Chuck nods.

"Y/n was in the Maze, and there were two men, masked and with weapons. They gave her something so she would become unconscious. Those were probably the Creators, or they work for them. The Maze changed, and Y/n was gone for the night."

"That's... uhm..."

"I know. I thought she would never come back. I thought she had died. But she didn't.
The next day, we found her by the doors, again unconscious. So that's why Dave says she was with the Creators for a while, for the night."

"And she doesn't remember it?"

"No. When she woke up, she remembered everything from the moment she came up in the box. Except for that night and me. For some reason, they took all the memories she had with me. Luckely, they came back."


A few weeks have passed in the Glade, but nothing really changed. Actually, the Glade has been kinda the same for now three years. The biggest difference is how
many Gladers there are. 

Y/n and Newt are still happily dating. It all became a regular thing, even for Gladers like Dave.

He did need a couple of days, but he got out of the Slammers. He still doesn't like Newt or trust Y/n, but he just ignores them.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 28 ⏰

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