25// Dating

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~~Y/n's pov~~

The last two weeks were incredible. Newt and I are officially dating, and everyone knows about it.
The Glade finally isn't a nightmaire anymore. It feels like a daydream.

Ably wasn't happy with it at first, but he couldn't do anything about it. So he just had to accept it. Most of the Gladers are really positive about it.

It's been really fun for me and Newt. We can be completely honest with each other, and we don't have to hide it. And Newt is the most perfect boyfriend I can imagine.

He's working in the Gardens again, so we spend a lot of time every day. Working is way nicer now, and during the breaks, I get him for myself. 

Newt really loves physical touch, so any time he can, he would hold me.
He gives a lot of hugs and little kisses. We would always hold hands when we're walking somewhere, or he would place his arm around me.
When we're at the eating table with everyone else, he would place his hand on my leg and rub it or give little squeezes.

I think he does all that to let me know that he's there, always by my side. And, honestly, there is no place where I feel as safe as in his arms.

There was a day when Newt had given me some wildflowers he had searched for me. They were truly beautiful and smelled amazing.
A little gift just shows so much love.
And when I asked him why he gave it to me, he said, 
"Just to thank you that I can be yours, and you are mine."
He first felt a little unsure saying such things, but now it's normal. 

On another day, he told me he had a surprise for me.
It was in the evening and he held his hands for my eyes so I couldn't see anything.
He walked me to my room, and when I opened my eyes, I saw how my room was light up with fairylights. Normally, I just had a lamp hanging from the ceiling. It didn't feel very cozy.
But with these, with the wooden walls and the ivy coming inside at some places. It felt like I stepped into a fairytale.

"Oh my god, Newt, I love this!" I told him.
"Where did you get these?"

"Honestly, these were the only lights for the Map Room. I almost became a runner once, so I've been in there.
But with the box, a few weeks ago, there were new lamps. So I just changed them so you could have these."

"You're litrelly the best,"

Newt gave me the sweetest smile in the world before kissing me.
"I'm glad you like it."

We haven't slept in the same bed together yet. We never even just lay in my bed.
I'm still getting nervous at the idea, and I think Newt, too. I'm sure it will come soon, but we take time. I mean, it's only been two weeks.

All though, it doesn't always feel like that. Being with Newt in that way feels very natural.
Plus, I think we had our moments in the Glade where we were more than friends, but we both didn't realize it.

ike the night when I slept outside with Newt in the treehouse, with the whole Rebecca thing. There was more going on between the two of us, but we both had other things on our minds.

Newt and I did spend some nights together. We just weren't sleeping. Last week, before I went to sleep, Newt came into my room like usual.
But he didn't give me a goodnight kiss. He instead whispered something in my ear and left.
"Meet me at midnight."

He gave me a little watch, so I could know the time. Only the Runners, Newt, and Alby have one. But Minho had given his to Newt so he could plan this date.

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