27// Sleeping

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Y/n and I are going back to the Homestead. Everything that just happened overwhelmed me a bit. I don't really know what's going on.

There's only one thing I know for sure: I will not let Y/n go. I'll stay with her the rest of the evening, even the night. 

I'm holding my hand on her back while walking. I'm rubbing it softly. There are still some tears falling down her face. Every now and then, I stop so I can give her a hug and tell her it's gonna be okay.

We finally reashed her room. I put on her fairylights so the room is more cozy. Y/n immediately flops down on her bed. She lies on her stomach with her face in her pillow.

"I hate this," I hear her say.
It's hard to hear because of the pillow. I sit at the end of her bed and put my hand on her leg.

"What exactly do you mean, Love?" I ask her.

She takes her head off her pillow and sits up, cross-legged in the dim light. She takes a deep breath before answering.
"The way the Glade is like a crazy rolleroaster. It's always up and down, up and down. I'm sick of it! Why isn't there just a long straight line?"

I put my arm around her, and she puts her head on my shoulder.
"I think that's not just the Glade. That's life. It's always gonna be ups and downs. I know it bloody sucks, but we have to deal with it."

Y/n sighs. She lets herself fall down with her head on my lap.
"At least I have you now. I say 'at least', but that's a pretty big thing."

"See? Try to think positive. No matter what ups and downs will come in the future, I promise I'll be there with you for you."

She looks in my eyes and gives me a smile. She brings her finger to my face and taps my nose with it.
"You make big promises, Newt."

That was absolutely, completely right. And I knew that. I've promised her those big things a lot of times.

I just love her so much, it is true. I'm willing to keep the promises. I would do anything for her.
"I know, that's what you deserve."

I bring my head down to give her a kiss. She's still lying with her head sidewards in my lap.

I see her smile fading away again, and she isn't looking at me anymore. I start gently rubbing my thumb on her face.
"What's wrong, Love?"

"Newt, this might sound selfish. But... I really don't want you to leave. Never, but especially not tonight.
Would you mind spending the night in here with me?"

"No, I would love to. I wasn't going to sleep anywhere else, Y/n."

"But," she says, and she takes my hand, the one I've been ignoring.
"Shouldn't you go and get this checked out? There could be glass in it. It should at least be cleaned."

Again, she is right. But I really don't want to leave her side, and I don't want her to come out of the room.
"I'll do it first thing tomorrow. I want to stay with you now."

Y/n sits up again and puts her arms around my neck.
I thought she just wanted to give me a hug, but she pulls me along so that we both lay down. We laugh, and Y/n lets out a big yawn.

"Maybe we should try to get some sleep," I say after giving her a kiss.

"I know, but I'm scared for tomorrow. What if there are more Gladers who will suddenly think I'm some sort of spy?"

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