7// Falling

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~~Y/n's pov~~

A few more days went by, and Newt stopped talking to me again. And again, I don't know what the problem is.

It began the morning after he heard me talking in my sleep. I think he doesn't trust me, but I was being honest. I didn't remember my dream and still, I haven't remembered one.

I talked with Minho about it, not the dreams, but that he's ignoring me again. He told me that Newt isn't talking a lot with him either. So I decided to stop caring about it and ignore him too.

If he doesn't want to try and be friends, I won't either.

I have enough friends in the Glade. I get along with most of the Gladers. It doesn't matter that Newt isn't one of them.

Although, I have to admit. I do miss one thing, and that's eating together. He stopped eating at our table, and I never see him anywhere in the room. He must eat very early or late. It was, in some way, just nicer to eat with him.

I do still work with him, but he's not saying a word to me. Or to anyone, unless he has to. He's acting so weird, I don't know what it's about.

And not caring about it isn't as easy, and I thought it would be.

~~Newt's pov~~

It starts to annoy me, the way all the boys like Y/n. They all want to be friends with her now and think she's so awesome. But we probably can't even trust her.

Gally doesn't even look at me or talk to me. Sure, I stopped talking to most people, but still, I was not planning to ignore my friends.

Minho is the only one who keeps checking up on me.

As some weeks passed, it kept getting worse. I'm not talking to anyone. No one cares about it. No one cares about me.

I hate doing my job. It's a good thing the new Greenie Zart is working in the gardens, too. I don't have to do a lot then. And Alby, he doesn't need me as much as he would sometimes say. He doesn't need me at all. He can lead this Glade perfectly on his own.

The nights are the worst. I can't sleep at night. And if I do, I'm only having nightmares. I'm sick of it. I try to stay away, so I won't have them. But then I'm overthinking, and it makes me go crazy. This place makes life really hard.

I also haven't eaten a lot lately. It's just harder to eat again when I'm always alone at the table. I just can't handle talking with people right now. They'll just ask what's wrong, and I don't wanna talk.

It's just easier this way.

~~End of Newt's pov~~

Y/n wakes up to the peaceful sound of the birds. She's used to everything in the Glade, so she's happy to be awake again after a quiet night.

But when she comes out of her room, Y/n notices how most boys are sleeping. It's early, but like, very early. Why did she already feel so awake? Normally, she's always struggling to get out of bed.

Only one hammock is empty, that's Newt's. Y/n didn't think much of it, he's always up early.
Only, Frypan wasn't even awake yet? He's always the first one to get because he makes the breakfast. 'It doesn't matter Y/n, it's just Newt being weird,' she thinks to herself.

She comes outside and feels the first warmth of the morning sun. She sits in the grass, leaning against a wall from the homestead to enjoy the sun tickling her skin.

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