3// Building

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~~Newt's pov~~

The hug didn't last long, luckely. I think it would have lasted longer if I didn't hear Alby screaming my name. I let Y/n go and run to where I heard the voice come from. Y/n runs after me.

We bump into Alby. "Newt, we have a bit of a situation. It's Minho."

"Minho, is he alright?" Y/n asks. She wipes the last tears away.

"Uhm, he's with the med-jacks now, so we will see. But what happened here? Why is Y/n crying?" Alby points at her but is looking at me.

"Doesn't matter. Ask her. I'm going to Minho." I don't look back at her as I say it. I just run away and go to the med-hut, to my best friend.

When I arrive, I see Jeff wrapping a bandage around Minho's ankle.

"Minho, what happened? Did you fall? Did a griever attack you?" I sit on the chair next to his bed.

"Don't worry, Newt. I just twisted my ankle. It hurts, but I'm gonna be alright." Minho takes my hand and looks in my eyes. "No need to worry, Mom."

Before I can say something, Y/n storms in. "Minho, are you alright? Are you hurt?"

Minho takes a deep breath and let go my hand. "Yes, I'm alright." He says. She looks really worried about him. I'm just gonna leave, I think.

"Well, it looks like you have company now, I have to find Alby," I say.

once I am outside, I see Alby immediately. "Hi, what are we going to do with Minho? He can't run now, at least for a few days."

"You're right," Alby says. "Can you go find Gally for me, please? We're having a little meeting."

I do as he says and go to the builders to find Gally. I tell him to meet Alby and I for a Gathering.

Normally, at a gathering, all the Keepers, Alby and I get together for a meeting. But this time, it was just the three of us, and Minho. Minho told Alby he wants to do something while he can't run.

After some talking, we decide that Minho has to build for some days. He can help Gally, as Keeper of the builders.

Well, actually Alby decided it. He says I'm second in command, but it doesn't always feel like that.

But you know, whatever.

I keep quiet until I have an idea.

"Hey, Y/n still has to try jobs, right? Why don't we let her build, too? She's most comfortable with Minho, I think she'll like that."
And that way, Gally can keep an eye on her. And I can keep her at a distance.

••The next day••

~~Y/n's pov~~

It's now my third day at the Glade. And I'm really not used to it. Although, I start to make some friends.

Like yesterday evening, I had a nice talk with Frypan. And Minho and I get along pretty good, I think. And for every meal I eat with Newt. But he's not really a talker.

Clint and Jeff told me yesterday that I was ready to start looking for my job around here. The leaders and Keepers decided I could help build today with Minho and Gally.

I slept at the hut of the med-jacks again, but they said I would get my own room. So that's what we are going to build.

I have no idea if I'm gonna be good with those tools, but we'll see.

Subject A5 & A17 (Maze Runner-Newt x reader)Where stories live. Discover now