1. He's too dumb for you

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Our first chapter! I hope you enjoy 💜


Kim Namjoon and Kim Seokjin were the best of friends. Completely inseparable. The two met in high school over Namjoon's passion for music and rap. Seokjin and his friends snuck out one night and found themselves in an underground rap battle competition.

"Introducing Rap Monster!"
Namjoon came out on stage and blew Seokjin away. His skill and energy were attractive to him, also the fact that he beat every single competitor. He quickly made eye contact with Seokjin, his dragon-shaped eyes sending him a wink, leaving Seokjin in a flustered state. After he had won against the last person, he was met with screams and praise from everyone in the crowd. Seokjin was infatuated, and he too was screaming among all the women. But before he could even get close to him to say hello, the police came and left everybody screaming and running to escape.

The next day Seokjin walked the hallways of his school, his mind never stopped thinking about the unknown rapper. Without looking up he bumped into another body, falling to the floor. Groaning in pain, Seokjin was getting ready to apologise.
He saw a hand extended, ready to help him up. He looked up and made eye contact with familiar dragon-shaped eyes.
"It's you!"
"From the rap battle, you're Rap-"
"-shhh." He quickly shut the elder up, quickly grabbing his hand and pulling him up.
"How do you know that?"
"I saw you last night, you were incredible"
Seokjin's eyes twinkled, making Namjoon's heart skip a beat. His face turned a shade of pink.
"T-thank you"
And just like that, the bond between the pair was built.

They became close friends very quickly, Seokjin's friends would tease the elder. He was in love with his best friend. How could he not be? From the dimples to the dragon-like eyes, the fluffy newly dyed brown hair. His intellect and how quickly he can solve problems, as well as his ability to inspire and motivate others. Seokjin loved his sexy brain. Everything about him was incredible. Seokjin was over the moon being around him.

"Oooh Namjoon I wuv you"
"Kiss me under the moonlight tonight!" Jimin teases, laughing hysterically with Taehyung. The pair bang their fists on the table.
"Yeah, you guys are real comedians" Seokjin rolls his eyes. For over a year, Seokjin had done everything to make Namjoon see how much he liked him. On Valentine's Day, he had gotten sixteen roses from other people but ignored them, only having his heart set on Namjoon who didn't seem to be reading his signals. Seokjin would always compliment the other, often sending flirty winks his way. But Namjoon would laugh it off, telling Seokjin to stop joking around.

Seokjin would leave little cute notes in his locker, but Namjoon would just laugh it off saying someone was pulling a prank on him. Seokjin also would make him lunch, only for him. He would always be his number one supporter, he made sure that he was the person  Namjoon went to in times of crisis. Seokjin would also always hug the elder, and flirt with him, at times he even found himself jumping into his arms whenever he had the chance. Hell, anytime anyone flirted with Namjoon, Seokjin would get jealous (and he didn't even hide it well).

Seokjin watched as Namjoon sat down by the big tree he loved to read his novels under. He sighed in defeat, Namjoon was never going to notice him. He said his goodbyes to Taehyung and Jimin (who were still making fun of him) and made his way to Namjoon. Seokjin was going to just tell him, clearly Namjoon was too dense to read signs and just needed to be told upright. His nerves increased the closer he got to the other, clenching and unclenching his fists he lets out a breath.
Namjoon looks up at him, smiling deeply, letting his dimples show.
"Hello, you okay? Seem tense"
"I'm fine, can I sit?"
"Of course"

The pair sit quietly beside each other for a while. The gentle breeze makes Seokjin feel calm, he closes his eyes and leans back onto the tree.
"You alright?"
Seokjin opens his eyes and sees a slightly worried Namjoon.
"Yeah, just a little frustrated"
"Want to talk about it?"
Seokjin smiles at this, Namjoon was always a caring person.
"There's...a person I like"
"Oh?" Namjoon's smile falters a little bit.
"Yeah, I've been dropping the most insanely obvious hints for like a year now. No response"
"Wow, they sound stupid" Namjoon laughs slightly, feeling a stab in the gut upon hearing this. Who the hell wouldn't notice Kim Seokjin? Worldwide handsome. You'd be insane to not notice him.

"But they're not, they're really smart actually. Just...dense" Seokjin looks at Namjoon who still keeps his eyes locked on his.
"Maybe you need to be more obvious? Like I don't know...maybe just tell them you like them instead of dropping hints?"
Seokjin remains silent, subtlety wasn't working.
"You're probably right. Joon?"
"I like you"
When Namjoon doesn't respond, Seokjin panics. The two still only looking at each other. Namjoon just smiles slightly, smiling through the pain.
"Yeah see! Just like that"
Seokjin just stares at him.
'Holy fucking shit', Seokjin thinks to himself, 'this bitch is dumb as fuck'
"If that flies over their head, then sorry Jin, they're too dumb for you"

Seokjin just stares at Namjoon in utter disbelief. How in the world does he have an IQ of 148? Seokjin for once, is too stunned to even speak. He had just confessed to his best friend, yet he was so dense to realise that Seokjin liked Namjoon.
"Seokjin? Why are you staring at me like that?"
"You're joking right?"
"What do you mean?"
Jin scoffs, rolling his eyes.
"I just confessed that I like you"
"No, you didn't? I thought it was practice?"
"Wait...you like me?"
"I do... but now I'm not sure-"
"-you're not messing with me?"
"Why would I be messing with you? I've been sending you signals all year!" Seokjin lets out a frustrated sigh, putting his head between his hands.
"Look, I'm sorry I understand that the feeling isn't mutual but I just wanted to let you know. I'm gonna go now"
Seokjin stood up and was getting ready to leave before Namjoon grabbed his arm and swiftly stood up, pulling the elder toward him.

"Namjoon what are you-"
Namjoon silences Seokjin with a quick peck on the lips.
"I like you too"
"You do?"
"Yeah", Namjoon rubs the back of his neck, "I just didn't think I was in your league, I mean look at you."
"I know I'm handsome, but you're even more so"
Namjoon turns pink, turning his head away. Namjoon smirks, grabbing Seokjin and hugging him, lifting him up to spin him around.
"Hey! Put me down!" Seokjin laughs, holding on for dear life, "I'm scared you're gonna drop me, you clumsy oaf!"
Namjoon stops, still holding Seokjin up he smiles at him.
"Kim Seojkin, will you be mine?"
"Of course"


"I gotta hand it to Jin, he finally did it" Jimin fake sobs, "he's all grown up!"
"I hope that doesn't mean we get less attention" Taehyung pouts.
"No way, we're too cute" Jimin smirks.

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