4. I'm not him

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Inspired by Guardians of the Galaxy (I cried so much in this movie). Also like...angst sorry.

It was a freak accident. The day was running smoothly, Seokjin was in high spirits, driving back home after a long day to see his beloved fiancé and their puppy. He glanced away for one minute then suddenly, everything turned dark and cold.

A week passed, and Seokjin slowly opened his eyes, a bright light make him shut them again and groan. In a massive wave, he felt pain like no other, his whole body felt like it was on fire and his head was throbbing.
"Seokjin? Babe?" A panicked male cried out to him but it sounded distorted. Suddenly a flashing light was in his eyes, he winced, but someone forced his eyes open.
"Kim Seokjin? You've been in an accident, you just woke up from a coma"
"He's awake! Guys, he's awake!" A male cried out.
"W-where am I?" Seokjin croaked, his head pounding, "My head hurts"
"That's perfectly normal after an accident this severe. You've been in a coma"
"A coma? How long?"
"About a week"

Seokjin looks over to Namjoon, looking quizzically at the other male.
"Seokjin? I'm so happy you're awake" Namjoon sits beside him and holds his hand, without meaning to Seokjin snatches his hand out of his.
"I don't know who you are"
Namjoon's heart breaks into a billion pieces. This wasn't right, Seokjin had to be joking. He always pulled pranks.
"V-very funny Seokjin, you can stop joking" Namjoon forcefully chuckles.
"I'm not joking?" Seokjin furrows his eyebrow in genuine confusion.
"Babe, it's me. Namjoon" Namjoon scans his face, there is zero indication that Seokjin is lying to him. 
"Namjoon? Are you my friend?"
Those billions of shards of Namjoon's heart  that broke, all rose up to stab him.
"I-doctor why doesn't he know who I am?"
"It's possible that he could be suffering from amnesia."
Namjoon stands up, running a hand through his hair.
"So will he ever remember me?"
"It's hard to tell. We can do another head scan and see if there is any other damage" the doctor said sympathetically patting his shoulder.


Months went by and Seokjin couldn't remember Namjoon. Not only him, but he hadn't been able to recall Hoseok, Jimin,  or Jungkook as he had met them after Namjoon. To say that all of them weren't heartbroken was an understatement, but Namjoon felt it the most. Namjoon had done everything to make him remember, taking him to places they'd always go, showing him countless videos and pictures of them, showing videos of their adventures but nothing. Namjoon was growing desperate, spending every hour of every day trying to make his fiancé remember. He showed them their wedding plans, the house they had planned to buy, and the rooms that Seokjin had painted and decorated in the current house.

Seokjin could see the other male slowly deteriorating. He was skinnier and a lot paler, and he had bloodshot eyes and purple bags. Seokjin could tell the other wasn't sleeping, the photos that they are both in showed very different people.

Seokjin too was suffering, he always felt the guilt of not knowing his fiancé. He seemed like an amazing person, but Seokjin just couldn't bring himself to love him. He didn't know him, even if Namjoon and his friends would countlessly tell him how much they loved each other. Seokjin couldn't even look him in the eyes anymore, the guilt consumed him. He barely wanted to leave his room, he knew that he would have to face the reality that he just can't remember his past life. Even worse, he had to face that he just wasn't the Seokjin they knew and loved, and it seemed they were too consumed with trying to get that person back.

Seokjin's guilt continued to bottle up, he refused to even go near the others. Why couldn't they accept that he just wasn't going to remember?


After taking a long walk, Seokjin felt better. He managed to sneak past Namjoon. He needed to just clear his mind for a while. What he hadn't expected however is a full-on intervention upon his arrival at Namjoon's house.
"Hello, Seokjin!" The male named Hoseok smiled at him.
"Hey, hyung" Jungkook have a bunny smile, though it was half-hearted. Jimin stood beside him and just waved.
"What's going on?"
"I thought maybe...a gathering of our friends would be nice. Jog the memory"
Seokjin mentally sighed, already distancing himself from what was to come.

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