33. My universe

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Hello! So I just wanted to say a massive thank you for getting me 2k views! I just wanted to thank everyone for reading and voting for this book. I honestly didn't think it would get many readers and I really do appreciate everyone. Thank you so much 💜
Also, I've never written anything like this so...I do hope you enjoy it!

"All I'm saying is that I don't want you to get hurt!" Namjoon shrugged as he followed Seokjin into the nursery as Seokjin carried a massive box of toys.
"I am capable of lifting a box, I didn't want you to end up using your destruction-like tendencies to ruin the nursery" Seokjin chuckles as he places them down on the floor and begins to open them and put them in their respective places.

"Rude" Namjoon sticks his tongue out. Seokjin hums to himself thinking about how cute their baby would look in this nursery. From the moment they found out they were going to have a baby, Namjoon had been both ecstatic and frantic, he had become extremely overprotective of their unborn son, from changing the curtains so there were no cords to baby-proofing every single aspect of the house. Seokjin was shocked that he hadn't bubble-wrapped everything.

"That toy doesn't look safe!" Namjoon grabs the monkey from Seokjin's hands and inspects it.
"Babe, it's made for babies-"
"-it shouldn't have this hard surface on it. What if he hits his head or something?"
"Then he truly will be like his father," Seokjin says with a sweet smile, walking toward Namjoon and taking the toy back.
"It's going to be okay, he's safe and sound and he will always be protected by us," Seokjin says as he places the toy monkey back on the shelf.

"I know that it's the rest of the world that concerns me."
Seokjin playfully rolls his eyes, walking back to Namjoon to peck his cheek.
"You're going to be an amazing dad. Also, I need you to record your part for the teddy bear"
"What teddy bear?" Namjoon tilts his head, making Seokjin sigh.
"I told you two weeks ago! I wanted to put our voices in this teddy bear so he can listen to us whenever he needs to" Seokjin shakes his head disapprovingly at Namjoon, "Just make sure you do it yeah?"

Later that night, Namjoon woke up suddenly after a nightmare of their baby rolling down a hill. He looked over at the alarm clock with furrowed eyebrows and groaned when the time read three-fifteen. Namjoon was wide awake, that dream felt too real. He looked again at the bedside table and saw the bear sitting next to his clock. He quietly grabbed it, holding it in his hands, he sat up and inspected the bear. So far, nothing overly dangerous was on it.

Ever since they received the news they would be parents, Namjoon was beyond excited. He remembers picking up a crying Seokjin and spinning him around so happy that their dreams were coming true. But with that, came the anxiety. What if Namjoon wasn't going to be good at being a dad? When they went to the night classes to learn how to change a diaper, Namjoon managed to flip the baby over (a fake baby). Seokjin thought it was hysterical and was on the floor laughing, which earned them the most judgemental stares.

Namjoon just wanted everything to go well and smoothly, looking at the bear he thought of an idea. He presses the side of the bear, listening to the beep.
"Hey, it's dad. Your second dad. How are you doing?" He smiles to himself, he looks up at the wall across from their bed, where a frame of the ultrasound sits.

"First of all, I love you so much. You're already my entire world and you're not even here yet. I know that you're going to be so spoilt by both of us" Namjoon chuckles, "I can't wait to see you, I can't wait to hold you for the first time. I wonder if you'll look just like your daddy, he's the most beautiful person in the world, and I know that you'll be just as perfect."

Namjoon smiles, imagining a mini Seokjin running around the house (with a helmet on obviously). He wonders maybe he might have Namjoon's eyes, or maybe his dimples, and he hopes that he inherits his intellect.
"I don't know what else to say, I just want you to know that I will do anything for you and Daddy, you both are my universe. Goodnight, I love you"

Namjoon stood recording, gently placing the bear back on the bedside table. He lays back down, snuggling close into Seokjin, and kisses the top of his head softly.
"That was beautiful"
"It's rude to eves-drop on our conversation," Namjoon says jokingly.
"It was cute though, it's probably the sweetest thing I've heard from you other than our vows. He's so lucky to have you as his dad"
Namjoon looks into Seokjin's eyes, placing his hand gently against his face.
"I love you"
"I know, I'm just that loveable, Seokjin leans over to kiss his lips. They both fall asleep again in each other's arms, nothing but love in their hearts for their unborn baby.

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