7. Valentines day

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This one will be a high school prompt. Sorry if it's a bit long :) I think this one is super cute! Also, this book is #2 on the btsnamjin tag so I just wanted to thank everyone who's been reading and liking it! I really appreciate it 💜


Valentine's Day was fast approaching, the school was decorated with flowers and pink hearts all around the walls.
Namjoon was once again staring at the elder from across the hall. Smiling like a dork as he watched Seokjin laughing with his friends Hoseok and Jimin, whacking the shorter male's arm as he laughed. He thought his laugh was hysterical, it definitely matched his personality.

Seokjin was the school's popular boy, but he wasn't nasty or mean. He was gentle, and kind. Namjoon fell head over heels for the other boy quickly, he was talented in every class they shared. Namjoon watched the elder every day, and whilst he knew he was being creepy he couldn't stop.

"Stop staring, your being creepy" Yoongi rolls his eyes, glancing at the pink hair male next to Seokjin. Noticing his jeans were super tight in some areas. He smirks a little bit.
"Why don't you both stop staring, you look like perverts," Jungkook says, just as he said that Taehyung walked over to Seokjin, Jimin, and Hoseok, now tackling Jimin.
"Close your mouth, a fly might go in" Yoongi smirks at the younger, whose face is now a light pink and his mouth wide open.
"It's not my fault he's hot" Jungkook shrugs.

"Not as hot as Jimin"
"Have you seen Seokjin?"
"Can't we just agree that Taehyung is the hottest?"
The three males continue to argue about who they think is the hotter one until they see the four other males walking in their direction.
"Shit, they're coming" Namjoon panics and accidentally drops his entire bag on the floor. His notebooks and music sheets all spill all over the floor, right at Seokjin's feet.
"Ah, I'm sorry!" Namjoon panics quickly.
"It's fine! Let me help you" Seokjin smiles at Namjoon and he feels like he could melt to the ground. Seokjin bends down and starts to pick up his notebooks, Namjoon who is still shocked that Seokjin is within his presence just stands there before Yoongi pushes him to the ground.
"Pick up your stuff idiot" he hissed under his breath.

"T-thank you" Namjoon stutters to Seokjin, the other looks up at him and hands him his books with a smile.
"Anytime Namjoon" he gives a wink before standing back up and walking with his friends again.

Namjoon's jaw is wide open, his face a hot pink. He is still on the floor, speaking incoherently.
"Hyung I think he's broken" Jungkook comments, pushing Namjoon over with his foot.
"Just let the poor guy have his moment"
"He knows my name. Yoongi punch me"
"If you say so" Yoongi slaps the back of Namjoon's head, who yells in pain and grabs his head.
"Well, he asked!" Yoongi defends himself as Jungkook death stares at him.


Namjoon, Yoongi, and Jungkook had a class together. They sat at the back, with Yoongi already falling asleep.
The teacher had been calling out their names, he sighed before sitting down at his desk.
"You know what. Screw it, let's just make valentines cards. Paper is on the desk here, go nuts. Find your love while you're young"

The class excitedly starts making cards, laughing and happy to not be doing schoolwork.
Namjoon wasn't a crafty person, so far he had ripped half of his paper. But with the thought of Seokjin on his mind he persevered. He had written countless love songs for Seokjin so he had the idea to write him a poem.

"I'm this close to falling in love with Seokjin" Namjoon states suddenly, narrowing the tips of his fingers together, as he continued to write his poem.
"You're fingertips are literally touching" Yoongi rolls his eyes.
"Listen to me, love is a scam"
"But you're making Jimin a valentines card right now"
Yoongi glares at Jungkook, pointing the glue gun at him.
"You're on thin fucking ice. One of these days I'm going to write a rap about you"
"That sounds more like a privilege" Jungkook smiles.
"You're annoying" Yoongi groans.
"But you love me" Jungkook shows off his bunny smile.
"Argh it's true and I hate it"

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