31. He is not my boyfriend

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"Joonie, where's the spare toothbrushes?" Seokjin poked his head from the bathroom.
"Bottom drawer," Namjoon says with a yawn, stretching his arms over his head. He looks out the window, seeing the sun barely up. He groans, putting his head in his hands. It was way too early for him to be up, but he wanted to take Seokjin to class so he could make sure the other was safe. The pair were best friends, and Namjoon cared very deeply for Seokjin.

Seokjin continues getting ready, taking off Namjoon's sweater and replacing it with another one of his.
"Hey, that's my favourite one!" Namjoon protests.
"But I look good in it" Seokjin states, turning around for Namjoon to prove his point.
"That's true," Namjoon says, looking for his phone, "have you seen my phone?"
"I charged it this morning, it's on the bedside table," Seokjin says as he fluffs up his hair. Namjoon slowly gets up, stretching one more time before walking over to his cupboard and putting on whatever outfit Seokjin left for him.
"I'll see you downstairs"
Namjoon nods in reply, still yawning. After brushing his teeth he makes his way downstairs.

"Here you go" Seokjin hands him his coffee whilst reading one of his textbooks.
"Thanks," Namjoon says taking a sip, Seokjin always made his coffee the way he liked it.
"You don't have to take me to class you know, we aren't kids anymore," Seokjin tells the other, closing his book and packing it into his bag.
"Yes, I do. Besides, I've got breakfast at Yoongi's, Jimin invited me" Namjoon says with a small smile, Seokjin nods his head.
"I'm surprised Yoongi would even be awake this early" Seokjin says with a tilted head.
"For Jimin, he'd do it" Namjoon laughs a little thinking about how grumpy Yoongi will be.
"Ah, they're so cute," Seokjin says with a dreamy smile, "Anyway, you ready?"
"Yeah let's go"

"Hi Namjoon!" Jimin greets with a big smile.
"Hey, Jimin" Namjoon smiles back, walking past Jimin as he makes his way into the kitchen.
"Coffee?" Jimin asks as he walks toward the kettle.
"I'm good thanks, Seokjin made me one already"
"It's a shame, I thought Seokjin would be coming too," Jimin says as he starts plating pancakes onto a plate.
"He's got acting class this morning, he's been super excited about it for ages" Namjoon replies without thinking, Jimin nodding in understanding.

Yoongi walks into the kitchen with folders in his hand as he sits down at the table, he groans loudly, hair still askew and eyes still closed, he is still sporting his Kumamon pyjamas.
"Good morning Yoongles" Jimin exclaims with his signature crescent smile, kissing his cheek as Yoongi groans again.
"You look terrible" Namjoon laughs, poking his face as he lazily attempts to swat away his hand.
"Fuck off dickhead"
"Attitude is still the same at least" Namjoon laughs, he watches as Yoongi yawns again slowly opening his eyes.
"Where's Jin?" He asks sleepily.
"Namjoon said he's got class today, Would've been a fun double date breakfast" Jimin replies, now fetching some orange juice from the nearby fridge.
Namjoon suddenly realised Jimin's statement.
"Wait double date? What do you mean double date?"

"Because he's your boyfriend?" Jimin replies with furrowed eyebrows, and Namjoon chokes on his drink.
"I mean two couples eating breakfast together is a double date" Jimin elaborates thinking Namjoon is just confused.
"Seokjin is not my boyfriend! He's just a friend" Namjoon protests as he tries to clear his throat.
"They're not dating?" Jimin looks to his boyfriend who sighs heavily.

"Namjoon, Seokjin is your boyfriend," Yoongi says Namjoon denies it.
"You've basically been dating most of our lives, and he basically lives with you, You guys sleep in the same bed despite there being a guest room. Face it, you guys are dating"
"H-how? We're just really close friends"
"Close friends don't hold each other's hand because they 'feel like it', they also don't cuddle and spoon as you two do."
"So? We're just very affectionate people" Namjoon tells them, Yoongi rolls his eyes.
"You guys are way too affectionate for it not to be a relationship"
"You and Jimin were super cuddly before you started dating!" Namjoon squeaks out, knowing he's losing this debate.

"Wow, you're in denial" Jimin shakes his head as he places breakfast in front of Namjoon and Yoongi, and Yoongi pecks his cheek as a thanks.
"Face it Namjoon, you're Seokjin's boyfriend," Yoongi says again, now digging into some pancakes.

"I hate to break it to you, but Seokjin and I are just friends"
"You're an idiot." Yoongi says with a shrug, "You can't tell me you've never once had feelings for him"
"I've never had feelings for him"
"Oh my god, his face is pink!" Jimin points at him.
"No, it isn't" Namjoon quickly rubbed his face feeling the warmth beneath his fingers, "We're just really really close friends"


That night Namjoon lay awake as his thoughts began to wander, Seokjin was sound asleep beside him. He turned around quietly to face the elder, who was softly snoring. Namjoon looked at his features, he did have a cute button nose and his hair was particularly fluffy lately. He found himself reaching over to stroke his face, feeling how soft his skin was. Seokjin always took good care of his face. Namjoon feels his face heat up, slowly taking back his hand and turning away.

"Fuck you Yoongi for putting these thoughts in my head."


Over the next couple of days, Namjoon found himself feeling guilty for having these feelings for Seokjin, he began to realise little things that he did that were just cute. For example, when Seokjin was hungry his left eye would twitch. Namjoon began distancing himself from Seokjin, he didn't know what to do. He didn't cuddle with him and he didn't hold his hand like they usually do.

Seokjin began to notice, but he didn't want to say anything in case it caused a fight. He felt slightly hurt that the other was pulling away for seemingly no reason, but he began to attribute it to stress from school work or perhaps that Namjoon just didn't want to do those things anymore.

"You want to finally watch Dr Who?" Namjoon asks Seokjin as they walk out of their class.
"Shoot, sorry Joonie, I forgot to tell you that I actually...have a date tonight" Seokjin doesn't look at him, he fiddles with the pen in his hand. Namjoon doesn't say anything, he doesn't like the pit in his stomach turning upon the news.
"Oh, okay, yeah that's cool," Namjoon says quickly, walking past Seokjin who watches him confused.

Seokjin had been coming over less and less, he didn't sleep over as much and Namjoon missed him. Namjoon lay awake one night, turning over to the empty bed. He knew Seokjin had that guy over at his own place, he wondered if they were cuddling each other like they do. If Seokjin was soothingly stroking his hair. Namjoon felt himself getting more frustrated the more he thought about Seokjin with somebody who wasn't him.

He gets out of bed, puts on his shoes and runs out of his dorm. He sprints to Seokjin's dorm that wasn't that far from his own, he makes it to the pink door. Panting heavily he bangs on it. He keeps on banging against the door until Seokjin opens it.

"Joonie?" Seokjin looks up at him in surprise, seeing the other one panting like crazy
"Wow...I really...need to work out" Namjoon pants, putting his hands on his knees.
"Do you want water?" Seokjin asks him slowly.
"No!" Namjoon suddenly screams making the other flinch, "No, sorry I just need to tell you something"
"Okay...are you sure you're good?" Seokjin furrows his eyebrows as he stares at Namjoon, "Because I know you wouldn't just run around campus wearing your koya pyjamas"
Namjoon looks down at his pyjamas, feeling his face heat up. He didn't even think about changing, embarrassing.
"I'm okay." Namjoon takes a deep breath, closing his eyes, here goes nothing.

"I like you, and I don't want you to cuddle with anybody that isn't me. I don't want you to love somebody else, I hate the thought of it. I don't want you to continue going out with anybody that isn't me, I want to be the one holding your hand. The last few weeks without you around have been boring, I didn't realise how much I need you." Namjoon looks Seokjin dead in the eye, "So pick me, choose me, love me"
"Are you seriously quoting Grey's anatomy at me right now?" Seokjin says with a chuckle.
"I know you love that show," Namjoon says with a grin, the two boys are smiling at each other.
"I'll always choose you," Seokjin says softly, pulling Namjoon by his shirt and kissing him, "took you long enough to notice"


"See, I told you he was your boyfriend," Yoongi says smugly at breakfast the next morning.
"Shut up idiot" Namjoon nuzzles his face into Seokjin's shoulder, making him giggle.

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