40. Scars

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It started with a bruise.
Just a slight discolouration, nothing painful. Seokjin hadn't realised it was there until his friend, Yoongi pointed it out. Next, came the scratch on his hand, Seokjin shook his head. He can't recall ever hurting himself or even a simple paper cut. The next morning, he found himself decorated with a black eye. As he was walking past Yoongi, the other screamed turned him around, and started interrogating him.
"Who did this to you!?"
"Nobody! I think my soulmate is just an idiot klutz" Seokjin sighs, swatting away Yoongi's hands as he walks toward the kitchen. Yoongi opens his mouth in an 'oh', forgetting that Seokjin hasn't found his soulmate yet.

"Well isn't that good though?"
"Eh, not really" Seokjin shrugs, beginning to pour orange juice into his cup. Why should he care? He's only fourteen, he had his entire life right ahead of him. Over the years, he watched his friends find their soulmates, while his scars and bruises only seemed to increase. His fingers in particular were always getting small cuts on them. What on earth was his soulmate always doing?

When he went into college, he couldn't even count the number of times he found love bites all over his neck and chest. Sometimes, he'd have claw marks on his back. Lovely. However, there was one drunken night in college that ended in tears, and dark bruises around Seokjin's wrists and his thighs. Luckily, Yoongi had walked in with Jimin and had instantly ripped the other male off Seokjin and proceeded to beat him ('a nice gift for your soulmate to know what a piece of shit you are'). Seokjin wondered what his soulmate thought when they'd look at the bruising, it made him cry every time he looked at them. Did they worry about Seokjin? Did they feel the fear he had? Were they curious about him?

It had been months since a love bite was on Seokjin, and he often wondered if it was due to concern for Seokjin. The thought made him smile a little.

Currently, he was munching away at his cereal, alongside a very grumpy and half-asleep Yoongi and a chirpy Jimin. Seokjin was once again decorated with a nice cut on his cheek, not that deep luckily. Seokjin wasn't paying that much attention to the television that was playing in the background until Jimin gasped loudly and slammed his fists onto the table knocking over everyone's bowls.
"What!?" Yoongi yelled, abruptly standing up and looking around in concern.
"It's RM!" Jimin squeals, quickly finding the remote and turning up the volume.

"Who?" Seokjin sighs as he cleans up his cereal from the floor.
"He's a rapper! He's amazing!" Jimin says as he watches the TV in awe, Yoongi rolls his eyes, sitting back down and closing his eyes again. Seokjin glances up at the television, freezing in place when he sees that RM also has an identical scar across his cheek. Seokjin quickly scanned for his hands, which were also covered in bandaids in the same places Seokjin's soulmate scars appeared. Seokjin couldn't stop staring, there was no question in his mind. This rapper was his soulmate.


Knowing Kim Namjoon was his soulmate was one thing, but acting on that was something else. Seokjin couldn't put his life on hold to go after Namjoon, plus he was a famous idol, how on earth would he even get close enough to him? There's no way he would even believe him either,  he probably was told he has a soulmate a million times by his fans. Seokjin watched from afar, his scars always matching the others. One night as Jimin and Seokjin watched his performance, he could feel Jimin's eyes on him.

"I think it's time" Jimin stands up and mutes the television, he stands in front of Seokjin who's only staring at him confused.
"For what exactly?"
"I can match scars, I'm not that oblivious" Jimin holds up Seokjin's hand to show the matching scar with RM.
"But...how?" Seokjin says in pure shock, Jimin giggles.
"I noticed that you kept watching him and would look at him so intensely, I also noticed that your scars always matched. I've been giving you time but you should go and get him!"
"What if he doesn't want me?" Seokjin says quietly, looking at his hands.
"Then he's a loser, who wouldn't want worldwide handsome?" Jimin says, squishing his face, "Now go pack, your flight leaves tomorrow"

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