41. Scars [Part Two]

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Seokjin slammed the door to his apartment behind him, quick to storm into his room and grab his suitcase and bags, he was quick to shove most of his clothes inside.
Seokjin threw the bag on the floor, letting the clothes fall out. He grips his hair as he sinks onto his bed, trying his best to not cry again. It was stupid, this entire situation with Namjoon was stupid. Seokjin falls back onto his bed, screaming in frustration. He lay there for a few minutes, just aimlessly staring up at the ceiling.

His phone rings in his pocket, and with a sigh, he fishes it out. Impeccable timing. It was Jimin, his cute little face appearing on his screen. With another sigh, Jin answers the call.
"Hey," Seokjin greets insincerely.
"Hey! Are you okay? You sound upset?"
"What do you mean he sounds upset?" Seokjin can hear Yoongi in the background, he smiles a little, ever since they were young, Yoongi has always been protective of him even if he was younger than Seokjin, Yoongi always looked after Seokjin.

"I'm fine...I think I'm going to come back home. Namjoon found out, and he thinks I'm only here for his money. I don't think he wants me"
"WHAT!?" Jimin screeches, making Seokjin remove the phone from his ear.
"What do you mean!?" Jimin continues to scream, "I can't believe this! Yoongi, take over!"
"Hi," Yoongi says in his usual monotone voice, "Jimin can't come to the phone right now, he's having a breakdown"
Seokjin chuckles slightly as he hears Jimin swearing.
"So what's happening?" Yoongi asks, Seokjin sighs.
"Namjoon thinks I'm only here for his money"
"He's an idiot" Yoongi replies, "anyone who knows you, would know that you've got the biggest heart around."
"Thanks, Yoongi" Seokjin sighs again, he knows Yoongi means what he says.
"But I also know that you aren't a quitter, if you really love this guy you'll fight for him. From what Jimin's told me, it seems that you really care about him and it sounds like he does too, he's probably used to being used for money"
Seokjin smiled a little remembering their first kiss.
"Just remember to put him in his place? Show him the Seokjin we know that doesn't take shit from anybody"
This makes Seokjin laugh, making Yoongi smile on the other end and hearing him happy again.
"Thanks, Yoongi. I'll go back and speak to him later"


Seokjin anxiously played with the strap of his bag, waiting at the front of Namjoon's studio. He knocks, before heading a silent 'come in'. Seokjin takes a deep breath, there's no turning back now. He opens the door, and Namjoon is seated in his chair in complete darkness. Seokjin walks toward him, standing near his side.

"Namjoon?" Seokjin says quietly, Namjoon's eyes darted over to Seokjin before back at the computer.
"I thought you left"
"I left the building,"  Seokjin says quietly, wrapping his arms around his waist. His eyes continuously dart back and forth between Namjoon and the floor.
"Well is there something I can do for you, Seokjin?" Namjoon says sarcastically, continuing to do his work.

Seokjin closes his eyes, sighing. He sat down on the couch near Namjoon, looking down at his hands that lay in his lap.
"When I found out I had a soulmate I didn't care. My friend, Yoongi had just found his soulmate and was so excited to be with him, but I just didn't feel that way"
Seokjin can't look up at Namjoon, he doesn't want to know how he will react.
"When I went to college, it was hard to live my life with constant love marks decorating my body. Boys thought I was easy and wouldn't date me. One boy...well because he thought I was a whore he tried to-"

Seokjin stops talking, thinking back to that night is painful. He doesn't know what would've happened if Yoongi and Jimin hadn't come home at that moment. The intense fear and panic Seokjin felt was one he would never want another person to feel. Seokjin hears Namjoon, turn his chair, he briefly looks up to see Namjoon facing him.

"I remember that night." Namjoon says quietly, "I was in here and I felt this pain in my wrists and thighs, I...I remember how scared you were, it was my first time getting a bruise from you. It was terrifying, suddenly I had a soulmate and you were hurt and there was nothing I could do. I had all of this money and I couldn't do anything to find you"
"Did you stop sleeping around because of what happened to me?" Seokjin asks a question he has always wanted to ask. Namjoon sits in thought, cracking his fingers.
"I didn't know what happened to you, I think that scared me the most. So I didn't think you deserved to be dealing with love bites while you recovered"

Seokjin couldn't help but smile a little at the thought.
"Thank you, that really helped me. You made me feel like you cared" Seokjin can feel the tears stinging his eyes, and Namjoon reaches out to hold his hand. Seokjin feels warmth as they link hands. Namjoon looks up at Seokjin cautiously,
"Did he...?"
Seokjin shakes his head, making Namjoon's expression change into one of relief.
"Yoongi beat him up, I feel bad for their soulmate having to wear those bruises"
Namjoon smiles a little bit.
"Good, he deserved it" Namjoon comments. The two smile a little at each other.

"Namjoon, I don't want your money. When I found out it was you, I was just scared to come and talk to you, you have the weirdest fans sometimes" (yes we are weird don't lie 😜)
"I know you don't want my money, you could've emptied my bank accounts by now and left. I'm sorry I said that...I just didn't feel worthy of your love. I come with a lot of baggage Seokjin and I know you don't deserve any of it" Namjoon looks down at their linked hands, Seokjin slowly places his free hand on his cheek, soothingly stroking it.
"I think you're worth the hassle. I'm sorry for not telling you earlier" Namjoon looks up at Seokjin, smiling deeply to show his dimples. Namjoon quickly leans in to kiss Seokjin, the spark between the pair making them both feel at ease. Seokjin smiled into the kiss, feeling whole for the first time.

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