10. Why me?

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Seokjin heard Namjoon sigh at his computer, the two males had been cooped up in the Rkive for a couple of hours. Namjoon liked the presence of Seokjin, even if they never talked whilst he was producing, Namjoon felt more at peace with him nearby.
It motivates him.

However, today Seokjin's presence didn't seem to be much motivation to Namjoon. He seemed to be on edge ever since Seokjin arrived, his body had visibly tensed when he hugged the other and he barely returned the kiss he gave. Each time Seokjin attempted to give him a small encouraging smile, Namjoon would look away.

Seokjin's smile would falter each time, his stomach churning with worry. Namjoon would usually be super cuddly with Seokjin, for he had a soft spot for the elder. Seokjin observed the producer, noticing his leg was bouncing up and down and he kept touching his lips every couple of minutes.

"Joon" Seokjin calls out softly, not wanting to startle the other as he moves from his position on the couch behind him. He hums in response as he approached, his body once again tensing under Seokjin's touch. Feeling hurt, he moves his hands from Namjoon's shoulders.
"What's wrong?"
Namjoon looked up, faking a smile. It was pretty rare that Namjoon wouldn't give Seokjin his genuine smile, dimples, and all, but something about this forced one made Seokjin's heart hurt.

"Nothings wrong Seokjin" he assured as he tried to dismiss Seokjin's concern, he turns his head once again to look at his computer. Namjoon would never call Seokjin by his name when they were alone, he always called him by pet names. Seokjin's frowned, eyes flickering to the computer, feeling his anxiety rising.
"Have I..." Seokjin nervously swallowed, playing with his fingers, "Have I done something to upset you?"
His voice was quiet, almost a whisper.

"No, why would you think that?"
Seokjin's gaze went back to his computer, nothing a tab that was open that Namjoon quickly exited.
"I just feel like I've done something. You've been acting strange since I got here and you've barely acknowledged my existence"

Namjoon sighed, he leaned back on his chair and stared emotionlessly toward the ceiling.
"Am I bothering you? Would it be better if I left..?" Seokjin asked, not wanting to upset him further. Namjoon turned the chair to face him, taking his hands into his own.
"You're not bothering me sweetheart" he picked up Seokjin's hand and kissed it.
"Then...can you tell me what I did wrong?"

Seokjin felt slightly annoyed at the sudden change in mood.
"You didn't do anything...it's just..." Namjoon sighed again, taking his hands and rubbing his face.
"Can you be honest with me?"
Seokjin narrowed his eyebrows, caught off guard. He nodded, moving backward to sit back on the couch.
"Why are you with me?"
Namjoon didn't look at Seokjin, opting to look at his thighs instead.
"Babe...where is this coming from?"
Namjoon doesn't answer, he sniffles. Seokjin quickly stands up and squats to see Namjoon's face, picking it up with his hands.
"Why are you crying?" He whispers gently, wiping away the tears. His lips quivered, and more tears fell down. Seokjin leaned forward, taking him into his arms as Namjoon put his face into the crook of his neck.

He grips Seokjin tight, not wanting to let go.
"I just...I read some stuff online. I know...I shouldn't have and I know it isn't true...but-" he sighs. Seokjin runs his fingers through Namjoon's hair, feeling the other relax a little. Seokjin's eyes watered.
"I love you so much, I can't let you go. I know what they say online isn't true...I'm sorry I'm acting this way..." Seokjin shushes the other as he chokes on a sob. Seokjin knew Namjoon was insecure, even when he did his best, he just needed reassurance that he was loved.

He's seen what people have said online, awful things that should never be said to another human being.
"W-why are you with me? Why do you love me?"
Seokjin moved Namjoon so that he could look at him, hands to his face and rubbing his cheeks.
"I'm in love with your heart, your very sexy brain. I'm just in love with you Namjoon, all I've ever wanted was to be with you." He quickly pecks Namjoon's lips, "Your soul is beautiful and I fall in love with you more each day. I will never stop falling in love with you. You're the most handsome man, who treats me so well"

Seokjin quickly pressed kisses all over his face, making the other laugh slightly.
"Joonie, you're so beautiful, inside and out. You make me a better person, you motivate me every day. Your hard work and dedication are so amazing. The only thing I want from you is your love. I can't get enough of it. I'll love you till the end of time, and that's what I plan to do"

Namjoon cried again, but with a large smile, dimples finally on display. Namjoon leans down and kisses Seokjin. Seokjin moves his hand to his chest, smiling against his lips. Feeling the heart that is beating rapidly under his fingertips.
"This is what I fell in love with first" Seokjin says.
"I knew you only wanted me for the Nam-tiddies"
Seokjin lets out a laugh, whacking Namjoon. Namjoon smiles at Seokjin, love and warmth radiating off him.
"I love you so much Seokjin"
Seokjin smiles, kissing the other again. Their love was beautiful, and nothing was going to tear them apart.

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