16. Cupid

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"Look! Shut up! They are here!"
"I can't see!"
"Ow! Taehyung you're on my foot!"
"Shut up!"

Jimin, Jungkook, and Taehyung were silently bickering as they hid in the closet near the library. Three heads peered through the tiny crack in the door, spying on their friend Seokjin. He had been spending most of his spare time with a tall bird named Kim Namjoon, the smartest boy in their school. Being the curious idiots that they were, they used their own free time to spy on them. For the last few weeks, they've spent every spare minute watching them.

"They're still just doing homework, argh, how boring" Taehyung complains, Jimin rolls his eyes.
"At least you can see shit"
"This has been going on for weeks! And they've done nothing!" 

They've been waiting for any kind of physical touch, they didn't even care what they did. They just needed proof that Seokjin was into Namjoon, every time they asked he would laugh and deny it. They didn't know Namjoon very well, but he seemed pleasant enough. They wouldn't mind having him as their best friend's boyfriend, who knows maybe they could get a second father figure.

"I feel creepy doing this," Jimin says looking at the other two.
"We are just supporting Jin"
"This is boring, when are they just gonna suck each-"
"-ew don't even continue!" Jimin covers his ears.
"Don't be a baby!"
"I'm not a baby! You're the baby! I was born in Busan first!"
Jungkook gasps, whacking the elder. The three continue to bicker, still waiting for their friend to make a move.


"When is he going to make a move?" Yoongi groans, watching Namjoon from afar.
"Be patient! He will"
"You said that two months ago" Yoongi looks at Hoseok who's all smiles.
"And I'm sure he'll finally make the move"
"They're literally just sitting there, again. Like they do every day." Yoongi says, yawning.

They watched their best friend Namjoon sitting at the table with the purple-haired male whose face was flawless. Yoongi knew the elder boy, Seokjin. They had music composition together and Yoongi couldn't deny the talent and dedication he had. He wouldn't mind if they dated, Yoongi thought they'd make a good couple and he knew Seokjin was a decent person.

"Surely they can't be doing maths for this long!" Yoongi groans.
"I mean..it's math, that's hard," Hoseok says.
"But it's Namjoon, he finishes that work in like five minutes"
"You need to be patient"

The two looked over at Seokjin and Namjoon, noticing how Namjoon was staring at Seokjin, his smile wide as his dimples showed. They could hear him laughing, Hoseok put his hand to his chest and cooed.
"Look at how happy he is!"
"Ew stop being cheerful"


"Day three hundred, zero progress has been made by Kim Namjoon and Kim Seokjin....this is bullshit! What is taking them so long!" Jimin throws their journal book across the table. The three boys had been watching Seokjin and Namjoon, annoyed at their lack of companionship.
"I know, like they clearly love each other! They just need to bang!"
"Okay that's too extreme," Jungkook says disgusted, "but I agree, this is taking way too long. Gentlemen, I think it's time to take this into our own hands"

The next day, the three boys all walked over to the front of Namjoon's locker, pink letter in hand.
"Are we ready?"
"Of course, this is going to give them the push that they desperately need" Taehyung smirks. The idea was that they would write a letter to Namjoon from 'Seokjin' to meet him after school at the library and vice versa. The pair will meet and boom, they will be a couple. Jungkook slid the letter into Namjoon's locker, giving a high five to the others with a cheer, next stop Seokjin's locker.

"Oi! What are you doing?"
The three quickly spin, grabbing onto each other. Yoongi and Hoseok stand in front of them, a pink letter in Hoseok's hand.
Jimin and Taehyung turn their heads to Jungkook.
"I'm sorry I panicked" he whispers under his breath.

"So? Explain yourself. Why are you at Namjoon's locker?" Yoongi glares at the three.
"Hold on, is that a love letter?" Jungkook points to the pink letter in Hoseok's hand.
"None of your business bunny boy"
"Yoongi, stop being rude" Hoseok whacks the other boy, "yes it is, it's for Seokjin"
"You can't give him that!" Jimin exclaims.
"Why not?"
"Because...because Namjoon is the one for him, take your love somewhere else!"
"Yeah! We've been waiting for Seokjin and Namjoon to get together for three hundred days!"
"Yeah! Three hundred!" Taehyung emphasized.

"Three hundred days? That's how long it's been?" Yoongi asks, looking at Hoseok who shrugs, "god Namjoon has absolutely no rizz"
"What? Who even are you guys?"
"We're Namjoon's friends, I'm Hoseok and this is Yoongi. We've been watching Namjoon and Seokjin for ages"
"You guys have been watching too?" Taehyung asks with wide eyes, "That's so crazy!"
"So... you going to give that to Seokjin?"
"Yeah, it's from 'Namjoon' to meet him in the library-"
"Holy shit! We had the exact same idea! We just put a letter from Seokjin into Namjoon's locker!"
"I will admit that is some real telepathy shit" Yoongi agreed.

"So, who are you guys then?"
"Oh, I'm Jimin, this is Taehyung and Jungkook. We are Seokjin's best friends"
"Right, okay now that we know each other, let's see if our plan actually works"
"Well, we can't just be out in the open like we usually are," Hoseok says pointing at Yoongi and himself.
"Not to worry, we have our own secret spot"


"Ouch! Taehyung get off my foot right now!"
"Hoseok please stop jumping up and down, we get it, you are excited"
"Please let me go in the front, I'm short!"
"So am I but you don't hear me complaining"
"I'm taller than you"
"Yeah, maybe in your dreams"
"Shut up guys! They are here!"

Seokjin was fixing his hair, mumbling some praises to himself.
"Hey Jinnie"
"Hey, Joon!" Seokjin smiles warmly, making the other smile.
("Oh. My. God. They have nicknames for each other" Hoseok squeals, making Taehyung cover his mouth)

"So...you wanted to talk to me?" Seokjin's face turns pink. Namjoon looked puzzled, for he assumed from Seokjin's letter that he wanted to talk. But, he mustered up the courage to tell him how he feels.
"So uh, we've been spending a lot of our time together. I've really enjoyed your company"
"I'm glad, I am pretty amazing to be around" Seokjin laughs, Namjoon can't help but laugh with him. Namjoon watches the other, the way his nose scrunches when he laughs and the sparkle in his eye.

"So uh, Seokjin? Did you...want to, maybe, you know-"
"If...you're asking me out, then yes. I really like you"
"Wait really?"
"Yes! Really!" Seokjin laughs again at Namjoon's cute reaction, Namjoon laughs, rushing to Seokjin and picking him up by his waist, and spinning him around.
"Put me down! I know how clumsy you are!" Seokjin whines, Namjoon gently places him down on the ground, hands still on his waist. The two stare into each other's eyes, slowly leaning forward.

"Hoseok, you idiot!"
Seokjin and Namjoon jump back, screaming in shock as the five other males now all fall out of the closet.
"You just had to ruin it!" Jimin groans.
"What is going on!?" Namjoon exclaims the other five all detangling themselves from each other.
"We were being your cupid!" Taehyung tells them.
"You took three hundred days!"
"Three hundred! If it wasn't for us, this wouldn't have happened!" Jungkook points to the couple, who are still holding on to each other.

"Wait...you were counting?" Seokjin looks at his friends.
"Of course we were!" Jimin rolls his eyes as if it was the most obvious thing to do.
"That's kind of sad" Seokjin grins at the three.
"How dare you-"
"-Detective Diaz I am your superior officer!" Taehyung finishes with a laugh.
"Taehyung, that was unnecessary" Jimin shakes his head.
"BONE!" Jungkook shouts suddenly, making all of them (except Taehyung who high-fives him) silently judge him.

"Well?" Yoongi looks at the new couple.
"Well, what?" Namjoon raises an eyebrow.
"I think a 'thank you' is in order," Yoongi tells him.
Namjoon rolls his eyes, grabbing Seokjin's hand. The perfect fit. He smiles down at Seokjin, who's only smiling back.
"See ya stalkers" Namjoon waves, leading Seokjin out of the library.

"Unbelievable, we set them up and they don't even thank us!?" Jimin exclaims.
"What a joke!"
"I'm hungry. Pizza anyone?"
"Eh, I'm down"
The five males all walk out, feeling giddy about their accomplishments.
"You know what? Cupid ain't got shit on us" Yoongi smirks.

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