Mysterious Savior, New Life

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Chapter 1

3rd Person POV

Time 5:08 am

An 28 year old male wearing hyottoko mask, sunflower patterned haori, with wind charm attached to large woven hat had sitted down on veranda with simple delicious rice dumplings along with freshly brew tea by his side. In few hours he had woken up early to arrived his directions back home at the Swordsmiths Village before dawn, after coming back from residence home of former client that recklessly broken his precious sword and this raging swordsmiths had finally done his promising warn if they break his babies(swords) he breaks their bones.... Which he did. And left meaning he has lost more of his clients once again.
Nothing newer but depression fills in the air as he couldn't find any decent person that wasn't gonna destroy any of his hard-work crafts katanas, truly he despise those kind of people for not being careful or appreciate any weapons made through sweat and blood. So now, he must return back home and hope for another day to be better then yesterday.
Once he finished his dumplings and started to take slow sip of the calming tea from the cup, felt bit better but not enough... Sometimes he wishes for something different like... Right now.

Suddenly he heard bushes from the forest on the other side, he quicky grabbed one of his protect knives in case of attack. Believing it one of those demons roaming the earth and causes nothing but death.
'shit... I expected something different but not this... Got to-' he gasped as he spotted an black cloak figured carrying an unconscious body in their arms, through his mask eyes caught an body details of ...a girl with (h/c) short haired wearing an white short sleeve nightgown along with circle sliver necklace of symbol design of two halves of black and white, ying and yang. But what really caught his eyes is her legs bleeding through her ankle dripping to the ground while the man grunting likely in pain, what troubles the swordsmith on what the hell did this man done to the child?
"Please... Help her... I... I can't protect her .. from the man.." The mysterious person spoke calmly but also saddened as he carefully lays her down on the ground while Haganezuka quickly rushes to the girl in his arms, then the person quickly rushes out fast leaving him alone along with the girl in his arms.
Haganezuka carry her bridal style and rushes inside of the inn for the doctor to see if she was still alive.
Unknowning five other people were watching through the darkness of the forest with sad look in their eyes then soon they quietly leave the scenes in sadness and relief of what they have known.... That the girl was safe and alive under the care and protection of the Wisteria mansion.
"Goodbye.... (y/n) little blue rose.." voice spoken with sadness as his blue eyes fill in tears and letting them fall as he watches (y/n) being carry inside of the house. Now he rushes ahead away from sun light peeking out through the mountains and catching up to his brothers as they disappear into the darkness.

Next morning
(y/n) POV

I groan tiredly as I open my eyes, seeing an unfamiliar ceiling above me. Why am I here again? Slowly I stood myself up bit but still in massive headache as I hold my head between my hands groaning in pain. I look around finding myself in bed alone and some how calming. As few seconds the headache were bit gone except the pain while I look at myself dress in clean white yukata. Heard the door sliding open as I faces an weird looking man wearing.... hyottoko mask and sunflower patterned haori, next to him was the doctor looking surprised that I was wake and an old lady all sweet but possibly surprised too like the doctor next to her.
"Oh, goodness you're wake my dear. Thank Heavens."He smiled while the other guy wasn't all saying anything. Not that I blame him but figured he wasn't worry.
"So.... Where am I? And who are you people?" I asked polite but mostly demanding since I'm getting uncomfortable being here in the strange house and with unknown strangers meaning they could have something to do with me being here like bunch of kidnappers.
"Apologies my child. My name is Hisa and this gentleman next to the doctor had found you here unconscious and bleeding. But not to worry only that your menstrual cycle has started." She said with kindness expect myself feeling all weird out on what she said....

"My mental what?.. What do you mean?"
"Oh dear.." she spoken once the doctor came near me and brought out something from his black bag.
I was uncomfortable but got close to the old lady since she seem trustworthy, then I noticed that the mask guy was still standing by the door and not near me. Guess he figured I'm not used to people or he's anti-social like myself right now.


I calmly eat something of the delicious food with the same mask guy again. I was the one eating by myself I try offering some of my food for him but he denied saying he wasn't hungry except watching me eat.
I place my food down and look at him with curious expression.
"What's your name?... Mine's (l/n) (y/n)" I said gently then disrespect person. Turns out that I have amnesia on not remembering anything except for my full name since the doctor describes my condition and also telling me about my womanly month. So after he left and the nice lady gave me something to help with my problem.
"Haganezuka..." He said kinda fatherly and gentle. From my options he doesn't seem all fatherly or gentle man from some reasons, so I kinda trust him bit.
"So... What happened to me?" I asked curious since he found me and brought me in the mansion. My gut was saying to trust him enough to know how I ended up here.
"I don't know.... He said to help you then left... All I say he wasn't concerned about himself but you being treated." He said almost cautious but I noticed his hands were gripping his pants like something else bother him to get all work up.
"Oh.... And another reason for it? Cause I sense that something else is bothering you" I asked wanting to know more information on why this stranger was bothered than the period incident.


"Help! Help! Get doctor!!" Haganezuka screamed distressed while carefully rushing inside of the mansion with (y/n) in his arms then Hisa alerted the rest of the women staff as they took the unconscious (h/c) girl off his arms, watching her leave into differeynt room'

"She's fine... Nothing nor bruised on her but she's bleeding monthly due to her being age 12" Doctor information Haganezuka careful while the few of the women staff were property cleaning the girl up. Both men were out in the hallway away from the women to do their job.
"You sure?! Bastard just left her bleeding between her legs?! Should have throw my knives at him if he ruined the girl" he mumbled angry but tried to not think otherwise but knowing the girl is not harm nor abuse by the man leaving her under his care.
"Yes, the girl is lucky to be alive... Who knows how dangerously her bleeding and might have caught the creatures to be able to smell it. Best to have her given wisteria charms" he spoke while they headed somewhere meanwhile the rage swordsmith still anger then ever for the first time besides swords.

*End Flashback*

"Nothing... If I may ask..." He asked as she looked at him with curious facial expressions.
"I'm planning to leave within few hours until dawn... Would you like to come with me to my village... Swordsmith village?" He offered kindly but couldn't help but wanted to be sure if since he couldn't help but feel worried if she would run into that stranger again... And god hopes that the Upper Rank demon doesn't go after her since his kind crave blood and flesh.
Not after he did caught his eyes craved only name rank on what the demon was.... Hopefully that her and that demon don't ever meet again..

Taisho-Era secret
- (y/n) was confused on what was the 'menstrual cycle' until a few minutes of explaining it from Hisa, she started to panic like Zenitsu's scary cat personality.

-Haganezuka felt suddenly protective of her since she is the only child and doesn't know if she has any family left. For the first time he actually cares about someone other than swords.

-The mysterious people in the forest were the Upper Moon 1, 3... And 4.

-(y/n) kindly accept Haganzuka's offer, since she has no where else to go but see if she could find purpose. Plus she seems attracted to Haganezuka like ducklings following its mother.

-Her gift is empathy sense, able to feel any energies from person, animals, and demons as well.

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