True Potential.....More Trouble, great

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Chapter 8

Back to the boys, after (y/n)'s supposed kidnapping. Tanjiro and Inosuke were struggling to fight back against the controlling slayers along with Murata feeling worried about the mask ronin slayer.

"The hell with this crap!" Inosuke get his blades ready, "that's it! I'm gonna demolish them all at once if they don't move out of the way!"
"Stop it, you can't! There must be a way to save them and get (y/n) back." Tanjiro shouted, then faced them, "Listen, we can't hurt these people." Heard footsteps approaching him as the person was about to strike him ....but Murate blocked the attack on time.
"Leave these guys to me, and go on ahead Tanjiro!"
"Big talk from the guy who pissed his pants!"
"I never did anything of the sort, you stupid boar!" Murate shouted as Inosuke grew offensive, "I wasn't even talking to you, so butt out!"
Another attack strikes Murata as he fastly dodge then clashes his blade against the other.
"I know I wasn't very brave back there, even the girl saved my life. But I'm still a demon slayer! I'll find a way to hold them off while you two go and rescue her." Murata said while the other bodies were getting up from the ground.
"I know now I just need to cut the threads and their movement patterns are very basic, so I should be fine. But watch out for the spiders, too! There have to be people who are under even greater control that are closer to the demon. You have to help them and find your friend hopefully if she isn't under their control too!" Murata says while still holding off the person.
"I got it, stay strong." Tanjiro runs but drags Inosuke by the arm, "lets go Inosuke!"
"Hey, let go of me, damn it! I wanna pound that guy's face in first!" Inosuke shouted while being dragged, "who's he calling "a stupid boar"?"
"Oh, shut up! Stop messing around and get out of here!"
Out in the distance, "I'm gonna make you see stars when I get back! Mark my words!"

Back with (Y/N) and Kokushibo, her heard caught distant shouts as she looked in the direction.
"Oh great...someone pissed off, pig boy."
"Some friends you have..."
"Yeah...but one is a child."
Both of them begin to run to follow their leads, while Kokushibo seems to have a feeling that this is trouble besides the enemies.
"We should leave them and go somewhere else." He suggested that idea, she stopped running which he stopped too....but the air grew thinner.
Until she glared at him, "excuse me?" She asked in a threatening voice which Kokushibo gulped.
"Uh... I was...kidding?" He shrunk into child size while her glare still looked at him.
"You better.." she says then picks him up as she hugs him while following ahead.
Never rage the darkness breather again.

The mother demon laughs while controlling her threads, "I wonder if you can defeat them." She moves the threads, "the closer that someone is able to get to me, the stronger these threads of mine become, as do my precious dolls."
While still moving the threads too focus until...
She gasped, faced her supposed 'son'.
"Can you really win?" He asked so...a terrifying aura as she feared him greatly.
"Don't you think this is taking too much time?"
She shudders, unresponsive but fears him the most.
"You'd better get to it, or I'm gonna have to tell father." He threatened her so manipulatively.
"No, I can do it! You don't have to worry! I promise to protect you!" She begs through fear while holding her control threads, "so, please, whatever you do, don't tell your father, not him!" She started to cry.
"Well, then, hurry it up." Rui said colder as he walked away from her sight.

While (y/n) was walking, felt the fear aura from someone. She uses her senses far distant from the mother demon responsible for the threads. See her aura full of so much pain and fear .... especially abused by the Rui guy ...and the 'father'. Couldn't tell her life story but figured it was those two.
"Stop shouldn't pity those kinds...especially her..." Kokushibo said softly but harshly since he knows her other side of sense trouble and pain from him along with the rest of his former comrade's energies.
Due to having that gift of her own, it hasn't been easy to deal with whenever he or the others come home. She asked for their well beings on what troubles them while few spill out their troubles. Not him, cause she doesn't need to worry too much. And it brings her sadeness, he even had lied saying it was 'work' and had to dragged others on to never mention their kind of 'work' nor Muzan until she was old enough and understand demon world once she was turned into demon ....until she gone against the Demon King.... and everything changed by her curse gift on what she seen and witnessed.

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