The Hangtengu Brothers Squads

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Chapter 16

(Y/N)'s POV

I was being hugged into Karaku's arms but it seemed like warmth or cold body temperature. I was alright but noticed his aura was dangerous and much liked Aizetsu and Sekido.. But for these reasons he wasn't showing any tricks or evilness when he hug me so tightly like he was afraid?
I wasn't supposed to be happy nor enjoy his embraced cause of the lives he murdered much like... goddamn it.. I don't know if he and the two others are like Aizetsu for holding his humanity then the others. I wish Kokushibo was here so I know if I could make the right decisions to bring all of them with me or just Aizetsu.
I'm doubting them if the three others are with Muzan's since he was totally mad when he threatened to kill my loved ones after escaping my blade and ran into the forest, Zohakuten and grandpa Hantengu are in the thin spot on which side they are on.
What would trust the most, my instincts or my heart for them?
They are part of my life and my past... it's so confusing on what to do
I had carefully hugged him as it made him purr like a kitten? His chest was causing a vibration like a cat...awww!
'Focus (y/n)!'
"My butterfly is back!" Until he placed his hands helding my cheeks, I looked totally confused but a bit comfortable since his green-eyed was a bit concerned but happy though I'm still tensed around him and the others except Aizetsu, "all grown up.."
All of a sudden he begins to cry but pouts like a child, hugging me a bit tight, "now I wish to see you as a small runt again.." he says sniffling while I use my senses ... find his energy completely changed by how he was sad mixed with relief and happiness at the same time. Totally think they'll showing emotions except their roles.
"Baby dove!" Urogi shouted but was definitely crying too, like tears falling into the ground like Zenitsu. He hugged me along with Karaku, I was definitely getting squeezed by these two crying demons, like literally being more sad than my gentle blue eyed demon, "I completely agree with you, Karaku. Why does my little dove have to be a grown up!"

"You both are complete idiots..." I heard Sekido mumble in the background. I couldn't move but getting squeezed like a sandwich.

"We should fly!" Urogi mentioned that he pulled me into bridal style, and Karaku was like hugging the floor all of a sudden all flat like a pancake. I didn't blush but felt comfortable like a child.
"Yeah and become fried chicken, you moron. It's daylight!" Sekido said in the background, which had Urogi disappointed,I heard a loud laugh from Karaku while I heard growling...from Aizetsu...adorably, that brought my attention as I faced him, blushing but he was definitely mad.
"Aizetsu..." Sekido mumbled at him under confusion on how he was acting, I was shocked on why he got mad all sudden, I got myself down from Urogi's arms. I faced the blue-eyed demon with a concerned expression.
"Urogi's theory is right!" Karaku smirks while I seem to heard snickering from Urogi.

"What theory?" I asked confused but wondering what Urogi's theory was, or what they even meant.
"That yo-"
Aizetsu slapped Karaku's mouth hard with his hand covering his mouth, "you're...uh.." he stammered but turned redder by the second while I was getting worry if he was getting sick?
"Idiot.." I heard Sekido mumble under his breath, but why isn't anyone say anything?
"Imprint!" Urogi shouted happily until he got stabbed in the eye by Aizetsu using his yari spear, "shut up..." he says.
"Aizetsu?!" I scolded him while Sekido hasn't done anything ... .but chuckling?
I faced him with a death glare until he stopped. Trying to cover his disappointed expression.
"Aizetsu, enough.."

1st Person POV

After Aizetsu was pouting like a child, (y/n) had him comfort on her lap as she brushed his hair softly. But he was asleep like a baby. Her point of view, it was adorable.
'damn...he has the softest hair than I.' she wondered if it was the demon's genes or he had better products for making his black hairs look great.
Sekido was next to her, but seated on the big couch but only single, while Urogi and Karaku were sleeping since (y/n) had mentioned sleeping helps with hunger. So that got those two demons to try it out, after an hour they were snoring away.
Sekido didn't do so, since he was concerned about something else on his mind, "How.. How did you do it?" he asked while facing her.
"Huh? Like what?" She asked while Aizetsu was moving a bit but got himself comfortable.
"You...beaten the one hasn't wounded him in over 400 years." His red-eyed looks at his three brothers, all calm but peaceful like children, "you became far more powerful than did you do that?" He asked but mostly concerned as she uses her trusty senses...finds curiosity but something else...hope. Of what? Couldn't find anything else but he was certain about how (y/n) was able to beat Kibutsuji and Sekido and his brothers were...weightless after the side effects. Even how they first split and had met the infant in person...still her presence made their whole world like.. weightless as feathers.
"Well... I had my demon mark awakened when he mentioned.. Aizetsu." She felt her blood boil on how this monster uses him like a pawn even Tanjiro.
Sekido gasped but couldn't believe it...why Aizetsu since he was the only one that had refused to forgotten about her just as Sekido did...he didn't know that Urogi and Karaku were like Aizetsu and missed their little human everyday. Especially when both of them kept gifts she made for the brothers/best friends, homemade craft gifts and even the crown flower she made as a child. They were good at hiding it from their older brother, Sekido.
"When he threatened his name... I was enraged at what his plans were for him including you, Urogi and Karaku, even Grandpa Hantengu and Zohakuten.. after you guys were all one, but staring at the same body." Her eyes changed into cat slits eyes into (f/c), "I gotta be angry ....then everything went red. I really don't remember what I did. But I felt my body move.. like I was someone else." She said, trying to explain what happened but doesn't remember if she actually injured Muzan really well ... .it was like Yoriichi had taken over her body like all connected into one. I faced Sekido with a sad expression that had his heart break.
"I knew what the bastard was playing at, and I tried to not be angry if he threatened to hurt you guys when he got away. Because he knows how deeply I care about all of you." She says.
Sekido looked down but was touched by her kindness after she hardly remembered a few things except how she wanted to try and remember all of them and her childhood like missing pieces of the puzzles.
Sekido patted her hair, softly, "(y/n).." but his face turned red, he looked away from letting her see his red face, "glad to know you're safe... and" He grunted but face her with his complete redder face, "already stronger than those two idiots over there." He even pointed at Urogi, who was snoring and Karaku was drooling on the floor.
(Y/N) was touched but gave him a warm smile, just like how she did as a child, "Thank you, Big Brother Sekido..for saving me back there." She said, but was happier than ever.
Sekido nodded, but gave a soft expression towards her. Since he's been a soft guy towards how kind she has always been.
"Don't.. mention this conversation. It stays between us."
"Got it, you know I don't tell."
"That's why you're my favorite human."

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