The Kamado's trial.... (Y/N)'s Forgotten Memories

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Chapter 9

(Y/N)'s Dream/Vision POV

In the spring season, out in the cooling night sky. I heard a child giggling behind me, I turned but this little (h/c) girl was running out through the meadow, "hey, kid?" I shouted as I ran chasing after her. Panting heavily as I catch up to her pace but stop....I watched her running towards a tall man, but I couldn't see his face, except there were three others with him. I gasped at the guy wearing a blue jumpsuit and holding a yari spear. I was about to shout but I was pulled into a different scene.

"Cut it out.." I heard a rough voice, I watched behind me seeing the same little girl but with the tall man except his red split haori with red eyes. He was struggling under the girl kissing his cheeks multiple times.
"Stop it, brat.." he mumbled while she wasn't listening to him but kissed his other cheek, "stop kissing my cheek...please." He struggles but begging until she stops with a smile on her face.
"Sorry, Sekido. I just wanted you to feel better. I heard you were hurt by those bad people." She said but her eyes started to tearing up.
This Sekido guy grunted but pat her hair softly, but I could tell he was struggling with his anger, "I'm demon, kid. No bad men were able to hurt me that easily.." he sighs while his energy changed like he was relaxed and touched by the little girl's concern for him.
I know he's a dangerous demon, but for some reason.... I felt relieved and I started to feel my cheeks were wet.
He faced the child, "besides whenever I'm fighting... I think of you. I knew you wouldn't like me if I didn't come back..." his cheeks were flushed under shyness, "Just don't tell the others."
"Okay, My big brother!" She said but then hugs him, as he lets her...and hugs her back.
Next I was sent somewhere else leaving the scene, while I was crying but wipe my tears away. I wasn't sure whom he was....but I'm thinking that girl was me.


I was somewhere in the.... darkness. I didn't know what the hell was going on. Until I got punched painfully, I gags in pain but I didn't know what it was, I could taste my own blood from my mouth.. until I looked down....seeing an fist sticking right through, I see his skin color texture was demon color flesh. But what was it?
A man over 20 year old, flame haired, gasped at my sight, he was in terrible condition as I was. I didn't see his eyes but his flame haori along with his demon slayer uniform only at my sight

I gasped out of air, but stood up from an unknown room. But I was in the hospital ward? I had a few medical motors attached to my arm, so I removed it, not liking it. As I got up from the bed and noticed I was wearing some very hospital clothes but a woman that wasn't pants but a long skirt?
I totally hated it, I used my senses to pick up aura energies of all humans. But the only thing I could detect was Zenitsu and Inosuke in the other room but three rooms away where I'm sure they are breathing but alive. I stopped my senses and figured something...... Oh hell no!!!!
My body moved on its own as I rushed out the door by kicking it hard as it crashed against the wall but I heard a girly scream behind me but didn't care but ran faster on foot. While I was running my instincts kicked on a raging instinct like an angry mother bear concerned about her cubs! Especially if the kids and Kokushibo I was supposed to protect!
Now, this is a personal matter!

Time-skip, The Ubuyashiki's garden

1st Person POV

While outside in the garden, all high slayers known as Hashira. The expert of warriors to humanity's future. Nine people who either have their own unique breathing or the generation of the original style breathing.
Humanity's greatest hope rested on their shoulders for the lives they encountered, the monsters they faced in their past, or some had choices for other reasons. But nevertheless, these brave souls had offered to protect and save humanity.
Right now, all eight hashira were waiting for their master to arrive but instead of their own, held two oversized boxes in his hands, glared at the tied up Tanjiro who wasn't untreated by the time he arrived but without (y/n) who was put under sleeping dart that causes effects on her. Like any human they wouldn't wake up until a couple hours later. Expect.....she wasn't.

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