Telling the truth, Admiring what's beyond

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Chapter 21

Shinobu's POV
She held the clipboard while writing down on how well (Y/N) was standing up from the bed after an episode she didn't discuss with her, but couldn't force the (h/c) woman to say unless it was serious. But did find relief on how much this supposed princess was getting better not to mention how her muscles were buff.
She admires how this supposed ronin slayer was able to go through everything in her life rather than staying safe with her adoptive father, on the other note; she had amnesia from the beginning when she was found around 12 years of age. Almost like Muichiro’s condition. But both of them seem to be the same personality but different path as if both of them were similar siblings, sister and brother.
So, why hasn't the young demoness just stop risking her life if it involves others like Haganezuka, Tanjiro, Nezuko, Inosuke, Zenitsu, Kokushibo, Akaza, Aizetsu, Sekido, Karaku, Urogi, Zohakuten, Hantengu, Muichiro, Mitsuri, Kyojuro, Giyu, Tengan, Gyomei, Obanai, and Kagaya.
Everyone in the entire Demon Slayer Corp worried about the hybrid princess for succeeding on eliminating any bad demons from the darkest side while keeping countless lives protected from the light, no matter how the woman refused to take safe precautions and continue on fighting no matter what happens.
That made Shinobu admire her strength and spirit to use her demon abilities to protect and serve her country. Like a queen.
Her purple hues stared at the hybrid woman stretch her body as warmth ups while she takes notes on her health gone well, besides reckless behavior.
“Hey, Shinobu?” The (h/c) haired woman spoken to her focused on what the young soon to be empress needed from her,
“Yes?” She asked softly
(Y/N) smiled at her, “wanna go with me? Just a small break?” She asked softly which had Shinobu all confused by this strange request.
There was much to do here, have to be in her office 24/7 and do her private studies. But seeing how the (e/c) eyes shine with pleased and something else that she couldn't seem to tell. But nodded,
“Of course, (Y/N)” said, but with a real smile towards the independent woman.

3rd Person POV
Nearly an hour, both Shinobu and (Y/N) were both having tea at the local tea shop where the hybrid woman always passed by but never went in. Until now, meanwhile she watches how her good friend, Shinobu was finally relaxing after so long and noticed how she was growing puffy eyes. What caught her attention was the amount of energy she had swirling around her being, nearly almost everyone's energized were either bright, neutral and sometimes peaceful but having mixed ones as stress, rage and vengeance were a lot like her own version of energy.
What (Y/N) went through this path and planning on only vengeance against the man that ruined her mother and her father's lives from the very beginning even if she hasn't ever met them, but only wanted more reason to go forward decapitating his own head might bring her peace.
But she cannot, not with everyone else around her, shown her new meaning in fighting for them, the world and countless victims like herself to never experience the pain, emotionless shells and believing in no hope in herself to be one of the humans. After what she saw in her vision, it was serious but doesn't know if she could prevent it? Or at least tell someone she trusted and hope they might understand it better than anyone else.
(Y/N) clear her throat, “Shinobu?” she said which brought the purple haired woman facing her,
“Yes?” She replied.
“I… I trusted you and understood what I'm about to tell you. Only you, okay? No one else should know except you and Master Ubuyashiki.”

‘I fully trust you with this task if only you allow me to assist you through the end…’

Aizetsu was fixing himself in a yukata while trying out while two others were judging his style of clothes.
“Mmmm…you should try wearing black or yellow,” Urogi said with a smile.
“Please!” Karaku wrapped his arms around Aizetsu who was already nervous about this plan, “you got to open up your yukata with a little more skin. That will drive her nuts, especially you know what~” he smirks, teased which had the poor sorrow demon blushing, but shook his head in ‘no way’.
“hey…now that is a good idea. Might want to at least take it in the alley to make her scream more~” Urogi added more words which brought out even worse.
The sensitive blue demon was getting more redder, disapproving of that idea. He wasn’t like those two horny of brothers ,
“Make her scream what, bird brain?”
Suddenly both of them minus Aizetsu knew who was talking but were afraid to face him. Their bodies were trembling in fear with cold sweats like they were in horror films with a serial killer behind them.

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⏰ Last updated: May 10 ⏰

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