Undercover Operation... Devil in Kimono

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Chapter 15

Time Skips
The entrance of the Red-Light District, nightfall

The Kamaboko squads were amazed as they gasped by the whole sights as they entered the district gate while (y/n) had her face covered under the black hood like a mysterious stranger.
See the sights of the familiar place, the red lanterns, the women giggling from the top balcony but notice her, as they seem to flushed at the black hood stranger, the face revealing a bit of the nose and mouth..
"so handsome~"
"I know, I bet he's their hotter brother~"
They continue to giggle among themselves.

"Listen you four. Try not to stand out, especially you, (l/n). We're only here to case the joint." Uzui says while Inosuke seems to be searching for something while Zenitsu is all excited but shocked as well Tanjiro tries to remain calm.
As for (y/n), felt like wanting to leave the carriage, "and whatever you do, don't get out of the carriage." Uzui warned them.
Until Zenitsu got off the carriage,
"Stop it! What do you think you're doing?" Tanjiro whispered until Inosuke did the same thing, "where are you going?"
Quickly the hybrid girl chases after Inosuke, "you guys? Come back you three?" Tanjiro jumped off the carriage and chases after them
Uzui notices that the boys were gone along with his supposed pupil, that made him angry, "what a bunch of hardheaded idiots! Especially her!" He grunted frustrated.
Inosuke was getting too shocked while grabbing (y/n)'s hand in comfort by the sights he was seeing.
"You should have stayed in the carriage, dumbass." She commented bluntly but for some reason she didn't feel well.
"Settle down, Inosuke." Tanjiro says, placing his hands into Inosuke's shoulders.
"Get back here, damn it!" Uzui shouted at them while Zenitsu was amazed as he looked around, "I'm talking to you too!" He pointed at the yellow-haired boy, "are you listening to me?"

The five trios were standing between two different districts buildings,
"It's so bright." Zenitsu said.
"It looks like it's daylight." Tanjiro said as well.
"I don't like it..too much energy around here." (Y/N) said while trying to remain calm, but couldn't after so many people her senses were getting mixed up. She never liked crowds but alley, just back at Asakusa city and small village.
"Allow me to introduce you to the Yoshiwara Entertainment District, awash in vanity and desire. Flashy is it?"
Both Beast Breathing user and nauseous Darkness/Light breathing user were getting anxious, and her oversized box was set down on the floor while she tried to ignore the dizziness.
"What kind of place is this?" Inosuke shouted while the hybrid girl got behind him getting more nauseous, "There's too many people to even count!"
His vision went a bit dizzy while (y/n) felt like gonna fainted, jumped on Inosuke while he had grabbed her legs on hold but her arms wrapped around his neck, "let's get out of here?!"
"Make way, chumps, We're coming through!" Inosuke charges ahead and crashes into the crowd.
Uzui grunted but ran off them two, "get back here, you morons!"
"A boar is on a rampage with a girl!"
"Someone save the lady?!"
Uzui came back but with only Inosuke as he got a bump on the head, "Hey! Did you see her? And where'd the annoying kid with yellow hair go?"
"What?" Tanjiro gasped but tried to spot (y/n) and Zenitsu around.
Meanwhile Zenitsu, going all flushed with flowers around him.
' Beautiful ladies who made the first move? What am I gonna do?'
Until he got knocked out on the neck, and was carried into a potato sack by Akaza but had himself in human form, "you're too young, especially how you behaved inappropriately around that girl with pink haori and my little sister." He said while heading to the Uzui as he got freaked out by this new guy until he realized it, one of (y/n)'s demon friends.
"That Kokushibo guy is after her?" Uzui asks as Akaza hands him the unconscious Zenitsu mumbled about Nezuko's name.
"Yes.. and I was given to watch over until he gets back with her...apparently she's uncomfortable with crowds."

At the tea shop,
Inside was peaceful enough for the (h/c) girl to enjoy the calming energy around, even if she was far away, she gently blows the hot green tea carefully and sips it carefully with Kokushibo sitting on the other side of the table with the box next to him on the booth. He said he was buying after sorta stealing cash from Uzui's pocket when they were being carried, enough for the sneaky demon to lightly pickpocketing him. He had used the money for her and himself a cup of coffee.
"I hate crowds..." she mumbled, so annoyed while felt better after escaping the crowd, but Kokushibo nodded but was laughing in the inside.
'You weren't comfortable with that birdbrain's energy too when you both hung out..'
He sipped the cup of coffee, tasting it bitter but enough to enjoy the coffee grounds,
"you know I dislike you appointing yourself to.." he tried to not gag but the noises he's hearing from far away, "to be in this place." He mumbled while focusing on something other than the noises outside, causing a ruckus.
"I know...plus I haven't bought souvenirs!" She says but was excited to go and get some souvenirs for her little brothers with her flashy mentor.
"No...Let's wait until this mission is finished.." He says but suggested she not go out and have herself distracted to buy anymore stuff...especially if he disapproved of her soft spots for those punks for not stopping her when she took off and left him and Akaza with...that boy with hanafuda earrings.
He dislikes him, but not his own little cub since she was his favorite person.
"Okay... and why am I hearing moaning?" She asked but felt uncomfortable with the sound thinking someone was in danger.
"cover your ears, now" He mumbled but didn't like this Uzui, not one bit. His father's instinct kicked in.
Then the hybrid girl grabbed out some earplugs from her pocket and put it on as she heard no noises, and began to enjoy her green tea beverage.

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