🤍Light Breathing

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1st: Heaven's Spiritual Blade:(Related to Flame breathing{Rising Scorching Sun} and {Hinokami Kagura} but dancing the techniques but full combination energy to go against stronger demons and upper moons)
[User summons light bright glow around their katana as it changes it into pure yellowish/white as it forms around into dance as it slashes clean but fire still widely dangerous to approach even burns demons or slashes their heads.]

2nd: Deep White Flames:(alot like Burning Bones, Summer Sun techniques)[User's blade becomes a white flame and consumes the katana as the technique either spreads a circle of rings into each direction as it cut through anything as burning touch alot like fire. Even demons who suffer it would feel their heads or parts of their body dismembered giving a terrible experience of real hell fire while.]

3rd: Sunrise Beam:(user forms alike light through their entire sword, giving an sunrise glow imagine as it cuts through easily or difficult on to any demons but less painful except horrible deeds they done from human life as well, would causes their entire body buring into white flames.)

4th: Horizon Reality Ring:(uses their breathing techniques around them as ring shaped forms around them before attacks their opponents full power but might trick on the opponent on what is happening by each strikes, but it awakened their opponent from what they see if it was real or an illusion, even human could see it but doesn't harm them.)

5th: Calm Water Reflect:(the techniques form similar to water breathing Eleventh Form: Dead Calm)[will be revealed later]
{user stands still as water formed as the ripples remind themselves around them while the demon attacks, until a sort of reflection appears right in front of the demon while the user attacks from behind or in front.}

6th: Samurai's Arts Of Justice(allows for the user to put the opponent under merciful form, it shines brighter to feel the warmth and balance of the enemies to feel no pain, fear, pity, rage, sadness but heavenly embrace while their head are clean slice off leaving the opponent to still feel entity peace while turn into ashes)

7th: Dance Of The Light Dragon (User use this technique while their blade glows into bright white as it forms into the shape of the full body of a dragon in front of them then it roars while the user itself along with the dragon perform a sacred dance together under light-speed. They gracefully decapitate the demon or more)
      -2nd: Dragon's Attack Weaponry(the user breathes out white flames through their mouth as they charge zig-zag directions under deadly strike their blade into dragon's claws sliced or slashes more than once.)

8th: Longevity Spiral Gong(the user's techniques sent both the opponent and the user into into golden colored spiral-lop vortex. Similar to Darkness breathing 8th form, this techniques is able to deliver visible circulation vibration strings, as it decapitated the demon)



Final Form???

I wanted thank you guys for reading my story and voting! Makes me happy!
Will continue whenever I can! Thank you all so much ✨♥️

I wanted thank you guys for reading my story and voting! Makes me happy!Will continue whenever I can! Thank you all so much ✨♥️

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