Meeting Iguro... Upper Moon 3

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Chapter 10

1st Person POV

Both (e/c) and heterochromia with yellow and turquoise glared at each other, while the friendly but calm albino rat snake with reddish pink eyes was getting the tense in the atmosphere with both now rival slayers glaring at each other through eyes of wanting to kill each other.
The white snake hisses at both of them to focus on the important task besides himself enjoying the darkness breathing user's presence.
(Y/N) looked at the cute snake with warm smiles, "oh sorry, Kaburamaru." She says while the snake flick his tongue at her, in way of saying 'its fine'
While his master.... wasn't pleased with both shocking things right now, 1: Kaburamaru was being too friendly towards the half demon girl, 2: he...seem pleased with it but why?
"How do you know his name?" He asked but was more cold while she wasn't affected by his tone. Until Kaburamaru hisses at him!
"Hey, be nice, Kaburamaru. He's your friend." The hybrid said motherly but bit strict as she seemed to defend the coldest man even though he deserved it. But wouldn't admit it, at least not now.
"What's your reason for coming here?" Obanai asked but trying to be nice if his only friend was glaring at him. She grabbed the hanger and showed it to him.
"This... I'm thinking it's your girlfriend's uniform and" he flushed at the comment while (y/n) wasn't being cold but responsible, "... I'm thinking she has mine by mistake" finished her sentence while Kaburamaru moved into a different space, wrapped around her neck but gentle. As he decided to sleep for now.
Obanai trying to process what to say...while his face was redder than tomato, and (y/n) seemed to notice this behavior...
" Is she your girlfriend? Right?" She asked


At the love mansion
The friendly love hashira who is named Mitsuri was screaming out of enjoyment while two people, Obanai and (y/n) were both sit down while Kaburamaru was still sleeping under the hybrid's shoulder.
"Thank you very much, (y/n)-chan! I thought I had misplaced my uniform mislocation!" Mitsuri said while had grabbed one of her sakura mochi and eats it with joy....and (y/n) seem confused but wonders.... where's her uniform?

At the Wind hashira mansion
"What the hell is this!!!" Scream was here with mad Shinazugwa was dressed in the....(l/n)'s order uniform but sleeveless and navy blue with the title on the back that says 'destroy'.

[ (Y/N)'s uniform, just not with gold bands and wrist band]

[ (Y/N)'s uniform, just not with gold bands and wrist band]

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Back with (y/n) along with the love and snake hashira's

Both crushes were enjoying each other's presence while (y/n) seem curious about this. Pity that neither of them confess each other already, as much as they said they were just friends? The darkness user called it bullshit, and they should hurry up and kiss!
(Y/N) seem to eat this kind girl's cooking, but figure it was Western culture food. Never had she eaten anything like this before, do love the (f/f) and with fried tempura. Best lunch/evening food she ever has. Maybe she could ask miss Mitsuri about this later.
"So, (y/n)-chan?" The ronin slayer lifted her head as she faced her and not the other since he still disliked her.
"Do you have a crush on someone?" The love pillar asked with hearts and flower vibes around the beautiful pink haired girl while her supposed friend seemed curious too.
"Uh...crush as in smashing them, right?" The emotionless but confused girl said while the others were confused if she was being serious right now.
"You're...not serious right?" The polite Kanroji asked while Obanai was..... surprised but also something relief too?
He checked his temperature but felt no fever. Wonders why? His heterochromia unique yellow and turquoise obs looked at the (h/c) girl....finds nothing but her face reveal then her ugly mask. The (e/c) shines like..., 'wait? No, I can't like her? She was just a demon like the rest of her kind' he looked away while Mitsuri explained (y/n) about the crushes almost as homegirl....until...
"I heard that you kiss Tomioka. Shinobu says confirm it."
He turned his head at the emotionless slayer with jealousy and rage..'goddamnit, Iguro. Keep it together!' The black haired man tried to think of other reasons then accuse some other reasons.
"Oh... I just did that cause she was saying he disliked. So I kissed his cheek as proof. Meaning he had some that like him as a friend." (Y/N) explain, "plus Kokushibo does it too, he gave me a kiss as a sign of feeling better when I was sick as a child or loved them to show he cares and loves me as a daughter."

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