Danger approach.... New Adventure with the Kamado siblings and new friends

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Chapter 5
3rd Person POV

Few temari balls bouncing around the house while the others were being shield by expert demon and hybrid from the ones they swore to protect, while those two enemies were chuckled darkly at them… while the raging ronin's body transform, fingernails grow long as claws, teeth were sharper and vein pop through the forehead to neck, alike like Nezuko's but much dangerous.

(Y/N)'s POV

…. Well… this definitely is not my day…
As I shield both of the Kamado siblings underneath me while using my body to protect the kids from getting hurt by those temari balls flying everywhere, much as my instincts are correct that coward has sent his dogs out to sniff Tanjiro's trails while arriving in Tamayo's home. I bet my money that Lemonhead is blaming him nor I, now I have a goal to keep these kids safe.
“What is this? We're tracking both demon slayers. But he is with demons while the other one is… half breed?” I heard in the distance that one demon caught my scent already, crap this not gonna be easy. Especially if my demonic form will go uncontrolled, like few years ago when I failed to save the wood cutter families, expect one.
“This is fun, no matter if one is half but..” I felt the tense growing thicker by the second. “I can't wait and taste this half weaklings's blood!” it chuckled while I growled in frustration, as I moved away from the kids.
“(l/n)-san? Don't listen to them” Tanjiro grabbed my wrist from going out there and beat the crap out of the demon girl and her partner.

3rd Person POV
Both demons known as Susamaru and Yahaba were ordered to track down a boy with hanafuda earrings but now, they found more than just the boy. Hybrid!
“Now, the real fun begins!” Susamaru launches temari balls at the house again, then they return to her palm, seeing a figure standing up while two others were behind her as her sword was already drawn out in rage.
“Come out, come out. Whenever you are, half breed weakly..”smirked form among Susamaru's face while getting ready to draw out the (f/c) mask slayer and their target out of hiding in the damaged mansion.
'temari? Throwing a temari caused all this damage?' Tanjiro tries to shield his sister while (y/n) glances at them through the hole damaged of the house.
'Temari is dangerous to cause more than just damaging houses, I have to be careful, one hit might take a few days for my limbs to grow back.' Sigh but figure that this temari demon is gonna be thicker than the others she faces off.

'What other choice do I have? Me losing limb or Tanjiro gets killed… best if he faces arrow boy while I'd handle the bitch myself.' thought of a plan so quickly. Then again of another temari flew right at different directions towards the house, while (y/n) dodges them as her eyes caught faded arrow from the temari, quickly she dodges them from being hit, so gracefully like dancer while the rest were shielding themselves, but Tanjiro watches her gracefully avoiding each ball coming towards her.

'He's… so fast?!' Then detected a ball coming straight towards Yushiro, he was about to block it, but pitch black sword sliced it in half, then dropped from the ground as it becomes ashes as the ronin continued dodging while slices each ball from a different direction.
“He… has much quicker and far light on his feet..” Yushiro comments then gets down as he protects lady Tamayo.
“Nezuko, the lady sleeping in the back room, take her outside and get her to safety.” Nezuko nodded while Tanjiro prepared to help out the darkness user. “Me and (l/n) will take care of them”

“It's too dangerous, we have a basement! Take her there!” Tamayo suggested a different idea while avoiding the balls from hitting her and Yushiro.
“Good idea. Nezuko?” Tanjiro drew out his sword then his sister flew into the back room while (l/n) cleared a path for her then went to Tanjiro's side.
“You take the boy, while I handle the temari demon”
“Bu-” Tanjiro was cut off from finishing his sentences.
“No, her temari are far too powerful, and she's not gonna be easy for you to take down, Beside her partner is controlling them” Ronin focus on her target, while Tanjiro was still shocked but snapped out of it thinking it good plan if both of them split and go after their targets. But he was concerned about (y/n)'s well being, and doesn't want him to do any more risky than he already did. But sense that he is far an experienced slayer then him since his scent caught a very powerful like higher even more powerful like impossible being.
The undestroyed balls return back except for the others already sliced and disintegrated. This angry Susamaru growls, “Batards! I'll have your head!” she screamed in rage, but then caught… Tanjiro.
“Ah, there is the demon slayer who wears hanafuda earrings. That is you, right?” smirked evilly while Tanjiro gasped while (y/n) growled.
'They are targeting me?'
'I knew it! That coward is nothing but pathetic to send his dogs to mortals.' Her hands were gripping tightly onto the sword handle from losing her self-control on emotions.

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