Yoriichi?.... Untraceable past

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Chapter 6

(Y/N)'s POV

I woke up so slowly, but I noticed I was in a field meadow. I get up from the ground where the grass was freshly green. The air breathed like... calmly filled with a mixture of fresh flowers and wisteria blossoms as I was under the tree where the shades covered me from the light. I couldn't believe that I'm dreaming or gone into the afterlife. I felt a presence behind me as I turned around... Yoriichi. Alive????
I didn't show my expression, maybe the inside I did while I get good look on Yoriichi, his aura was so powerful and happy too? I don't get on why he seems to show happiness glow on him.
"Huh... Hi Yoriichi?" I wave slightly then he nods along with a bow.

"(Y/N)....The poison has stopped before it could spread farther...now it's your turn..using your immense regeneration..." He spoke seriously then I felt my stomach in pain as I grunted as it brought me to my knees. He's right, that Link demon's poison might kill me if I don't stop it. Goddamn it!
He carefully lays me down on my back while he kneels in front of my head. I gasped but struggled to control my breathing, "Calm down...just breathe through your nose...and focus." He said gently then his palms held my head as my body shake, then I followed his instructions. I felt my veins pop through my head as I used my demonic ability to focus on my stomach and the poison where he told it was at.
Trying to sense it.... Until I coughed violently, saliva gags as I found it, carefully constructed to focus on healing...but something else told me to do this instead.
"Blood demon art ..... telekinesis healing..." my dried voice said then I felt the poison sucking out through my wounded stomach, it floated into the air like gravity.
"Good...construct...you can do this.... You're almost there." He said while I felt his hands warm, I seemed comfort of father's touch. As soon I constructed sucking every amount of poison I could sensed. Then I find nothing, but felt vomiting as I moved my head away and coughing out the black/green-ish goos that it landed on the grass along with the poison fall splash on the ground. Continue I cough, that was a hell of a life and death experience after almost dying for the first time. But I didn't get on how I did this blood demon arts technique since I abandoned my demonic heritage, and reminded myself that I was human.
I felt something else hot through my forehead to my neck, like a hot degree temperature. I stood up while trying to catch my breath. And tried to ignore the hot temperature from my body thinking it was feverish.
"It's gone, every single one.... And you're still denying yourself." He spoke, then I faced him.
"It was easier.. then being a monster... besides it wasn't my intention to get myself poisoned." I looked away in shame, after many years of being called beast, monster, demon and all other names from each human saying it behind my back. I wanna so bad to be normal, a normal human then being this disgusting flesh eating demon where they all cause nothing but fear, glares through the skull, and watches many innocent lives be murdered for their food stored. I couldn't handle it anymore but spit on and hope my death comes and sets me free ... .until I feel a hand on my shoulder.
"You're everything but a monster .... A monster wouldn't show emotions or even care about others' well being ....like your father and your friends. They need you more than ever...even my-"
"your twin brother...Michikatsu?..."I said his name softly, faced him face to face, and saw his maroon eyes expressed sadness. But also a tab of happiness. His facial appearances are the same, like mine. But his own were entirely different, like he was calm as the water ripples, even his aura was breathtaking, a lot like a guardian.
But what really was his aura and his personality looks like mine. Even his strength was extraordinary... I couldn't help but stare at the guy, even if he's a stranger...but he's someone I knew well.
"Do I know you?"I asked curious but wondering where, how, when did I even see him besides the doll back home.
He faced me, with a warm smile fade, "You must go back... your friends are waiting for you.." He said, right before I could ask him what he meant.
I gasped then I was pull back somewhere far away from him, then I fell...fell down...into total darkness...

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