The Blue Spider Lily.... The Journey of Entertainment District

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Chapter 14

1st Person POV

At Headquarters
Kokushibo read the letter with Akaza too, both gasping at what she said about Aizetsu and this syringe. What is it?
The mad purple haori demon crushes the letter in totally pissed off mode, "this is exactly what I told you! The Man already sent the others to grab her alive!" Akaza said, yelling but was mostly worried that she was by herself without protection.

"I know, you idiot! And that syringe is the most concerning if she gets touched by that thing." Kokushibo said but was trying to calm down except ripping the letter into bits. He wasn't in the mood.
Now it's daylight and neither of them couldn't leave especially if....that small Nezuko was there growling in sign to not do anything.
She too was worried about her big sister. But hopes she'll returned soon, but her brother, Tanjiro was on the same page with Kokushibo and Akaza.
After this morning the Kamaboko squads woke up with a letter too from (y/n),

Tanjiro, Zenitsu, and Inosuke well...pig boy,
I have to leave you guys. Don't you all ever stop what you're doing and focus on training yourselves and be stronger demon slayers that I believe you guys are.
I saw the whole potential in you boys, after observing you guys. I sensed your auras were glowing like fire spread through your entire body.
Even my new ability to see through the whole inside muscle was proving to me that you guys are at the level of Kanoe. Well, I did remember there were all 10 different ranks, but you guys are there.
I could train you if you're on my level. Since I'm not much of a member if I'm kept away from the actions, I'm gonna teach you my whole tasks even if one with too much bling bling isn't party pooper.
Do I give a damn what Hashira said? Hell no!
Even if he refuses I'm kidnapping you dorks without him noticing.
So, keep up the great work and make me proud that I have always been with you. Three are more than a squad, you guys are my little brothers and best friends. Even if I get worried over you guys going out and battling a bunch of demons, you guys are grown up.
Rise your head high, and don't give up on yourself!

P.s. Zenitsu, you better not make excuses or no more of praises but hard labor by the time I get back, young man!

Inosuke, I know you don't listen to me that much, but if you keep up the good work then I'll make plenty of the bestest Tempura and reward of battle, one on one!

Tanjiro, don't give up on yourself, look how you accomplish through this whole adventure and your sister being accepted into the corp. Made me happy and have hope that we're closer to getting the cure for her. Please do not let people get you down, if they did then I'll give them a piece of my mind!
Your mother and father and your family would be so proud of you and Nezuko!

I love you guys so much! Make sure that Nezuko is okay and sleeping well!

Plus, you're in charge of Kokushibo and Akaza for me until I get back.
Good luck!

With (y/n), at Kamado's house

She wakes up, raises her arms wide by the good sleep until she notices that it was still day break.
"Thank God!" She mumbled while getting herself up and had to begin her search while it was still daylight.
She got her hat on but placed her mask into her haori for safe keeping even the wisteria liquid jar with her in case of trouble. Then she had her two katana, check how the first blade was still pitch black and not single chips on it, good sign. Then put it into its left side of the sheath and grabbed her second blade, pulling out how white/silver colored the blade had.
Inspected for anything on it, no cracks or chips on it, still sharp as ever. Then puts it back into the right of the sheath and had herself ready with two katanas by each of her waist and headed outside and began her goal: Find Blue Spider Lily....
Outside, the sun had set on the mountains on the horizon while the ronin slayer quickly placed her mask on. Almost every mission was her lucky charm whenever it wore off demons from discovering her identity. But believe they are fighting a man rather than a woman, plus this oni demon mask is a symbol of protection and wears off evil spirits such as negative energy while her own energy was protected but emotionless and calm.
She loved how Haganezuka picked this mask. It was a good thing when she came into the village and did not let people see how she looked even if they were despite her existence.
It didn't matter unless it was her adoptive father and grandpa Tecchin and even Kanamori and Kotetsu.
They all matter to her then anyone else, so many memories she loved when she visits them and spends time with them, seeing their joy spirits and the aura of nothing but beautiful shines of almost rainbow colors and how they feel at peace.
It was enough to be happy and treasure it like photos, she appreciates it.

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