The Pull....Un-existed flower

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Chapter 13

Aizetsu's POV

For the longest time he remembered... no weakness but protect Hantengu the main demon, nothing else.
It's what he was created for along with the other counterparts but he called them sorta of brothers. The longest time he was at least the mature one even if he wasn't the strongest but still gave pity towards his opponents...and devoured them with less pity but he was hungry..
That's what he basically is, Sorrow and nothing else while his counterparts had their emotions and roles.
He couldn't get used to being this but what choice does he have? Nothing, but does his role and protects Hantengu.....until the weakly fear demon met a woman. Her eyes of (f/c) were so lovely that he saw what kindest, not just by the other victims that Hantengu killed in his human life or while the rest of his brothers kill and devour mortals... with this kind demoness woman shown humanity and kindness wherever Hantengu met her and befriend this angel.

'Her eyes.. show what no else has done. for everyone around her, even Hantengu and the others.. but why?' Aizetsu had wondered why this supposed demon held on to her mortality and something else...never once did she eat humans. Like whenever Hantengu, the main body visits this woman. Her scent doesn't show how many people she was supposed to eat?
How was this possible? There was only flesh and blood, as demons' main diet.
Until Hantengu asked her about why she refused to devour humans, her gentle but sad eyes showed her answer.
"Because... I still have few memories of my old life.. and I only sleep to pass through my hunger...since I horrible devour.." she cried in mourning by placing both of her hands against her face as she shields her tears, "my father ..and my mother..."

Aizetsu gasped, by how this woman showed emotions but hers were real while just couldn't leave since Hantengu refused to split him meaning the others would too. Especially his 'Joy': Urogi and 'Pleasure': Karaku have this taste in pretty women.
While 'Anger': Sekido didn't mention about her but thinks she's weak.
While the Sorrow demon didn't think so, not after protecting him from the sun and caring for him like he was just a normal human. Except he wasn't, despite himself and her being demons, still she kept him in better shape while Aizetsu just watched and saw how this wonderful woman gave him compassion, comfort, kindness and happiness whenever he bawled out in fear of other things that he couldn't express. Not in front of other heartless demons, especially The Man.

Regular route, he waited for any sound of the kind of demoness...but she showed a gold rose ring through her wedding ring finger.
"I'm getting married, Hantengu!" She said it was cheerful while Hantengu sniffled but out of happiness, that brought the rest of counterparts to feel it.
He gasped at these unknown feelings, touched his chest feeling the shivering expression then sorrow. The first time in the greatest time, the Sorrow demon was happy but still sad. He likes it..

Then....9 months later.... He heard about her death but something else...
Through Hangtengu's eyes caught a baby wrapped in white cloth while Urogi and Karaku, but Sekido seemed to not look but faced away while three of them were seeing this strange baby in Akaza's arms.
"She's just like her mother.." Hantengu comments but sniffles while Karaku smirks,
"Most definitely...unless she knows how to fu-" until he gets slapped upside down on the head.
"SHUT YOUR GODDAMN MOUTH, THAT'S CHILD!" Sekido shouted but did caught the baby's facial appearance, he grunted but look away, "(M/N) did have a beautiful brat.." he mumbled as two of the happy demon and relax demon snickering which rage Sekido even more then he runs after them, which immediately they run screaming while Aizetsu was looking at the baby's cooing and looks at Hantengu, that made the sorrow demon flushed of how adorable this baby was.

"It's just a child... too mortal...but also a smart one... (M/N)... I'll be there for her... Rest In Peace...and thank you..."

He sniffles at the memories of meeting her, now here she is. All grown up but much stronger and powerful. That kinda scared him a bit but didn't care but enjoyed being in her arms. After a long time he was told to forget her and do what he was supposed to do...
'Screw this! If That Man wants her alive and will force her to be a demon against her will ...I promise her..'

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