New Family... An oath of determination

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Chapter 2

3rd Person POV
At the entrance of the gate, both (y/n) and Haganezuka started to leave the mansion too early, before doing so (y/n) property bow and thanked Miss Hisa for her generosity and the important products. Then both the swordsmith and the (h/c) pre-teen begin their journey on the road, while she tries to think about her plans now since she's am orphan with no memories on any living relatives nor where she's going expect taken the swordsmith's offer and headed out to his village. Possibly see where it takes her to new family or maybe find at least job, do they accept jobs for kids her age?

During the travel, none of them haven't said anything except few hours age. While they continue walking down the path, (y/n) gently touch her necklace with comfort since her feeling were started to make her feel helpless and sad that there was nothing she could do, without any idea on where she could go or be in presence of someone she's familiar with.
'.... Did I have mother?....or anyone else that is worry about where am at?.... Why does this have happened to me ..' meanwhile her thoughts fill into her head, tears started to fall from her (s/c) cheeks.
Unknowning that Haganezuka had checked on her from time to time, gently place his hand on her head which shocked her. Looking at him with tears still running down to the ground,
"It okay... We'll find your parents... Don't cry." He said softly as she moves closer then sudden hugs him around the waist, heard him gasped slightly by her surprising action. He stopped walking then hugs her back, his body was tense from being hug by child never he doesn't hug or comfort people until now. Quite find it nice for now.
He picked her up into his arms and walk while she sniffing but still crying, didn't have any strength to walk anymore but enjoyed being comfortable with this stranger almost like dad sorta.


Haganezuka's POV
He gently set her down on spared futon he only has. As he lays her down and tunks the blanket nicely, looks at her face seem all peaceful except for the dried tears on her cheeks. Then he quietly leaves her be and slide the door closed he walked off into the living room, as he arrived seeing an small elderly man wearing the exact hyottoko mask on the left side of his head, wearing an diamond pattern haori along with black haori on top.
"So... The girl is under your care? Or someone else? Quite young to be on her own sadly.." he sip cup warm tea he just serve himself once he got news from one of his people said they spotted his son arriving with little girl at the entrance of the village. He just had no choice but to come and discuss this very difficult situation with her future in his hands if she be put under one of his people's home or be force to leave.
"Yes..... What are her chances?" Haganezuka asked while seat down but faces at the chief's discussion on what might happen to the girl. He hopes not be kicked out of here since she's isn't villager nor crops members, so far the only other option is something unfairly....

" could could take her in?" Tecchin looked at him with what his answers will be.
"Me?.... Why not someone else? You know I'm not an fatherly type to care for another person especially children." Haganezuka didn't believe he was ready to be father by his career and sooner he had to forge katana swords while (y/n) be god knows what might happen if he isn't able to raised child.... especially bratty teengers like one of the pridefully slayers he used to forge and deliver the swords to them in person.
"From the looks of it, you had that kid in your arms like literally in your arms and not once you complained or dropped her into someone else. Plus.." Tecchin set the cup down and gives out an serious look at him. "She's already trusted you then running off somewhere out where other people aren't gonna take her in but left her out to be homeless...or become victim of the bloody demon's hands.." sigh bit annoyed but mostly mad that he's doing the exact same situation where this very same boy who is now man was abandoned by own parents then dealing with his terrible tantrum behavior.
The 28 year old man grunted his teeth tightly then look away from the chief believing he was right about his words. Sighed frustrated as he faces down on the floor, this very moment he knew that (h/c) haired girl and himself were bit alike in this life. Same path.... possibly different fate with what helds for her and him entering fatherhood just as his adoptive father kindly taken him in and did his best for him to grow up with actual parent then his biological ones.

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