My freedom phase, Another vision

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Chapter 20

1st Person POV
“Yin Yang breathing…” Pure green colored swirls, a symbol of the yin yang below her feet, while she prepared to perform the techniques, gasped by her inner muscles shut down immediately then fell while both of her katana swords clashed on the ground as well, (Y/N) groaned under the amount of pressure she tried to activate both techniques from the scroll that Kayaga had gifted her after the announcement of her birthright.
It was her deceased uncle's scroll he had left behind, it was nearly 499 years old and was properly cared for by the Ubuyashiki family when the Royal family were massacred.
Now, (Y/N) possessed the scroll and tried to perform Yin Yang breathing technique together while her original Darkness and Light breathing techniques were separated which worked for her. Except only original user who have performed both techniques during the Sengoku era were able to do so, meaning her uncle, Tadashi.
Now she must be able to active fully, since the end is almost near in the atmosphere as well, and she and Kayaga were able to feel it.
Things have gotten complicated for the hybrid princess, her second mentor, Uzui, has suddenly left his estate around dawn. But left the note where his wives were able to find it at their dining table, Hinatsuru show her the letters from her husband saying
Won't return for three days. Please look after her in the meantime, my dear wives.’
That's what the letter said. Why did he even leave in the first place? After his lecture on her for leaving without any escorts the other day was enough to get him to punish her; 300 laps a day and working on her arms swings over 500 times. Now that was hell for her, but she didn’t complain but did her punishment, and kept on getting stronger each day and often at night, with Akaza keeping an eye on her at the training field. Finally she was able to talk with him again, she just needed space to clear her head after everything was going on.
Fortunately for her, Akaza only hugged her in his way so that he understood how her life came to be. Especially being the future Empress and must be protected at all cost. Now, he started to train the young woman on every martial art he knew, from his former master, Keizo.
And just how both student and master moment unlocks his memory, seeing how he imagined himself through (Y/N). Both willing to protect and stay noble, that made him feel proud. And also good on going back into the right path, only wishes for both Keizo and Koyuki to witness him right now and see how this young woman changed him for the better.
Meanwhile both of them were out in the night, Nezuko along with Zohakuten were running around like children playing tag.

While she takes deep breaths meanwhile her inner muscles regenerate quickly but feel tired after the couple tries to perform her 9th technique together. It was entirely impossible to do so, and decided to take a break for now.
(Y/N) got up from the ground and grabbed both of her katana swords and sheath them back into her sword holster, heard a crow cawing from the sky as she lifted her hand as he landed on her wrist, and noticed it was an old crow.
“Tomioka, your highness..” it said, she felt irritated by being titled under highness or grace, she caught a letter tied to the crow’s leg.
Gently she grabbed while it rested itself on her shoulder but nuzzled her head which she didn't mind. Due to any animals having fondness over her, their affection lifts her spirits and depression whenever things have been difficult for her.
Not to mention, all the animals back at the swordsmen village were always following her everywhere. Haganezuka almost had a heart attack seeing a whole animal into his house that made him think he was running a farm.
She opened the letter, reading it:
Tomioka, Giyu,
Good morning, (Y/N). Stay safe.’
A simple small letter had her heart beat on how he was trying to be open. It was adorable.
Looked at the senior crow, “let's get you some food, huh?” She said with a motherly tone which made it caw in happiness with its wings wide in high spirits.
She was glad that Giyu was being himself rather than treating her like royalty, not to mention almost everyone else treated her as god. Many times she had to correct them to not do so but as a regular person. Him and her demon friends were the only ones to be treating her like a human being while Karaku still used her nickname even if she was an actual princess, but he only saw her as a little sister. That's how he sticks to it, nothing else.
Kyojuro's letters were smaller than his usual full sentences like normal person conversations through the letters. Even using her title at the end of the letter, that hurts her when it sounds like he doesn't see her as a friend but royalty, except Senjuro.
Almost every day, he comes over and visits the young (h/c) woman but also has Kakushi to attend his travels whenever he comes over.
She was glad to see little Senjuro’s adorable face, but was sad about why Kyojuro didn't come at all. But couldn't ask him but spent much time with him, and even little Rengoku got to meet her newest family members on the first time he came here. He seems to bond with Aizetsu likely, and Zohakuten as well.
Witnessed how soft little Zohakuten was towards Senjuro.
That warmed her heart while Nezuko was growling through her bamboo muzzle.
Kokushibo and Akaza greet the young Rengoku as well as Sekido, since he was trying to be polite and sensitive. But Grandpa Hantengu shook his hand and quickly excused himself, meaning run away into the guestroom.
Urogi and Karaku liked how colorful Senjuro’s hair was, much like cats they gently played with the confused boy’s soft but yellow orange flame hair.
Guess, the mischievous pleasure and joy demons loved the young Rengoku’s hair, like it was an actual sun.
Nezuko assisted in helping poor Senjuro away from them two along with Kokushibo, but he replied that he didn't mind at all even if Aizetsu kinda joined the club on touching the flame hair.
Sekido pinched the bridge of his forehead on how these three brothers of his were making themselves look foolish.

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