Great! More secrets, Man in Distress

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Chapter 19

(Y/N)'s POV
During my stay at Uzui's estate, my speed was much quicker and much stronger due to my mortal genes but I sometimes feel like my demon genes were helping me out. I was confident to know I'm a lot better than I was before, even if I felt out of shape. I was getting back on track, feeling my whole body moving on practicing my new demon art, called 'Massive Deadly Punch' with Akaza at night. I seem to get the hang of it unlike the first time and almost destroyed headquarters and the rest of the Hashira estates. Thank God, there wasn't anything damaged, well except Muichiro's training field and the entire earth ground. The Kakushi crews were rebuilding his place while I tried to offer to pay for the damage I did. But Muichiro say about forget about it and he left, my confusion on why he didn't want me to pay for everything.
I guess I was lucky. Just hope he wasn't scared of me for almost killing him with my demon art punch, because I felt terrible for what I did. But his aura showed few emotions and was impressive and....I think about happiness. But why? He doesn't remember me after 3 years ago.
I met him when he was 11 and his twin brother... and how I felt his aura at Tanjiro's trial, everything was wiped clean and didn't even remember me. I was the reason that he lost Yuichiro in the first place because of my mistake.
I know he avoided me and didn't bother speaking to me because of his memory loss and his reputation as a cold Hashira, my whole reason wasn't to get close to anyone after what I did and many lives where I failed on saving, Yuichiro was the first when I could prevent it.
Until Tanjiro and Nezuko, they were my goal was to not let anything happen to either of them when I failed on Yuichiro and Muichiro.... I just hope that he will forgive me for my mistake....

At the crack of dawn, I started dressing for my workout and began taking laps early rather than waiting for flashy ass Uzui. It's been at least a week since Zenitsu and Inosuke woken up from their coma, and I heard that Zenny wouldn't like to go on a mission again.
But Inosuke was still recovering just for another week, but it wouldn't stop his stubborn pig brain. It was good, but I was still worried about Tanjiro when he wasn't showing any signs. That scared me if he couldn't wake up.
But Aizetsu, Karaku, Urogi and Zohakuten had woken up from their slumber except Sekido. I know that hard ass Sekido wouldn't be long on sleeping, but I do hope he won't yell though.
Grandpa Hantengu was improving on being less scared and hadn't gone near Uzui or the girls since he still disliked them. But Karaku almost tried to flirt with Suma and Hinatsuru, me and Maiko had to get him away from them .... and by getting away was an ass whooping from Maiko and me having to drag his unconscious ass back to our room.
So, Aizetsu was approved to be trusted in helping with the girls as well as Akaza, he was double bodyguarding the ladies from Karaku and sometimes Urogi when he was trying to get close to Suma.
Another beating from both Maiko and Akaza at the same time, Kokushibo kept his distance from anyone except me and Nezuko and sometimes Akaza and Aizetsu.
I haven't noticed why he wasn't getting along with Uzui and his wonderful wives, I did hope he was alright.

Later that night,
Me, along with Kokushibo and Akaza were silently escorted by the world's greatest assholes, Obanai and Sanemi along with Uzui. But didn't he retire from being Hashira? His expression was getting serious when those two came into his estate on this dark night.
I seem to notice how quiet both Obanai and Sanemi haven't said word to me nor Kokushibo and Akaza for being with me because of Kagaya's orders was to bring me into headquarters immediately.
Was it about my demon art punch? Has either Karaku, Urogi or Grandpa Hantengu done something behind my back? What was it?
Around 30 miles from Uzui's estate to headquarters, was a long ass walk, and should have been much faster if we were running then dragging our asses through the woods.
As we walked up to the veranda, Kagaya's daughters were there with two lit lanterns in each of their hands,
"Come this way, please." Both said as they went ahead with us following them, through the garden into the hallway but Shinobu, Giyu, Misturi, Kyojuro, Muichiro and Gyomei were there too??
I felt their auras clouded so many emotions, I felt one of them was being ashamed (Muichiro) and the other was being secretive (Gyomei) while the others were suspicious as me for being here when I'm supposed to be finishing my training with Uzui.
By the time I noticed the doors were open, I was the first one walking in, Haganezuka and Grandpa Tecchin were here??
So were Shinjuro and Urokodaki too!?
I had sat between both my adoptive father and grandfather while Kokushibo and Akaza were behind me but I felt something else, another aura clouded of guilt and mad too coming from Kokushibo?
Okay! Was the actual fuck is going on here? Why involved Haganezuka and Chief Tecchin into this? I hope to god this isn't about my destruction punch or Karaku, Urogi and Grandpa Hantengu's punishment for what they did. I know they are good men when I have them explaining not to do anything bad or threatening towards Uzui's wives and the other humans if they wish to go out and hangout with me to the village for fun tours.
Soon enough the girls opened the door, revealing sick Kagaya and Amane with bright lights in their room along with ours. I felt the terrible aura coming from Kagaya. I realized his sickness was getting worse by every second of the days, if I had my telekinesis healing ability. I would have cured his illness. After Tamayo explained that my telekinesis arts were able to heal Kibutsuji's curse, and I might be able to heal Kagaya's curse too?
Shouldn't have been here and healed him right away if I hadn't got myself caught up in the mission and lost my only chance to heal Kagaya right away.
My foolish pride costs this even though I wish to be a normal human. I should have been grateful for my demon genes that everything would be easier for not only me. But Kagaya has a chance to live with no illness but health.
"As I'm aware you have doubts about this unexpected meeting, my dearest child. But I must tell you the truth along with everyone to witness this..." He struggles to bow at me, which everyone else in the room tries to stop him but his wife does the same as her husband, " from the tragedy through the Sengoku period, the deaths of the royal families were massacred by all, Muzan Kibutsuji himself. But after nearly many years, this generation has brought back the last reminder of royal blood and become the reincarnation of Yoriichi Tsugikuni." He says with so much emotion that it had me confused but placing the puzzles together on everything else happened to me.
I know I was Yoriichi's reincarnate when he first told me by sending so many of his past memories. Even when he asked my mom if any of the royals knew about Yin Yang breathing.
Meaning my Darkness and Light breathing necklace I always wore.... Shinjuro's letter about the Royal knows Yin Yang breathing techniques and my mother being a royal.
I thought he meant it as a joke.
This whole explanation had me going into shock that I didn't notice when everyone in the room had bowed to me just as Kagaya, even my adoptive father and grandfather.
'I'm actually a real can't be right.... I.... I can't be royal.'
1st Person POV
Another week begins among the world at sunrise coming from the mountains, while down in the shadows at the Uzui's estate, (Y/N) had her hands covered of black flames as she practiced her self-control on her fire from letting lose which she succeeded but also frustrated on thought in her mind these past few days when her discovery of being princess.
That made her more irritated about everything happening when Kagaya announced her birthright, even more protection details for all available Hashira and Kakushi to keep her safe.
When the meeting was over, Obanai and Sanemi escorted her, Kokushibo and Akaza back to Uzui's estate while her adoptive father and grandfather were as well escorted too with the kakushi and Muichiro as well for better protection for them.
The entire week, she went off training her running laps, practicing her darkness arts, mediation, and taking breathing techniques on working back her total concentration. She kept a false smile around her friends and Nezuko when she returned back, and after everything was asleep....she left the room and went outside, letting her tears fall from her face for everything she had found out.
She was good at hiding her real emotions from everyone, except Kokushibo, knowing this news had struck her. Like a robbed of an unknown identity under lies.
Did (Y/N) blame him for hiding this secret? Not really, but doesn't care anymore.
Her mother, and her dead families at the Sengoku era were all gone, except her. She felt like it wasn't fair, having her mother taken away and not being able to live and explain her family history, was all cruel and heartbroken by everything.
There weren't any records of her reminding families, not even descendants. No one but herself alone, like a boat sailing away into the sea with no company but herself alone.
While she concentrate on her ability really well, felt a presence here which she stopped. And faced that asshole, Obanai. Here?
That made her give him the emotionless glance, not wanting to deal with him nor anyone else. As she was about to get back into training,
"I'm...truly sorry for what I said to you." He blurted out his apologies, she wasn't pleased but walked away with him getting confused until he ran after her.
"Just leave me alone, Iguro" She coldly said while trying to walk fast but he caught up to her. Grab her wrist which she immediately swung her leg under his feet as he fell on his ass then she started to attack him like a violent person as he tried avoiding her fist but was hit at the jaw.
By the time Uzui and Makio arrived at this current fight from (Y/N) to prevent the woman from kicking Obanai's ass to the ground.
Suma along with Hinatsuru were worried about her then on Obanai while he grunt in pain by how strong this crazy (h/c) woman had unexpectedly taken him down by surprise. He should have seen it coming but...did like how feisty she is, he felt his heart race when he touched her skin and lost focus on everything until he fell into the hard ground.

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