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A clear horizon. An orange sunset fading into vivid pinks and purples as the atmosphere darkens in preparation for the night. Evening sun warming your face, the space around you drifting into silence as calm settles into your bones, time halting its ever constant forward march, no thoughts or worries.

That's I what it felt like, the moment my eyes met Jasper Hale's. Like I was done searching for what my heart was in need of as soon as I glanced into those golden pools of his.

• January 24th, 2005 • Forks High School •


Based on the non-stop gossip floating around this microscopic high school, I'm the newest kid on the block. Dethroning the most recent to wear the title, Bella Swan, the Police Chief's daughter.

Now, I'm not opposed to the Olympic Peninsula of Washington State, but Forks could strive to be a little more than a one-stoplight town and add a few more amenities. This big city Texas girl needs a little more than Forks Outfitters - the one stop shop for food, basic clothing, and hardware.

I left Dallas because my mom needed me here, my dad didn't want to trade sunshine and big ranches for rain and freezing temperatures. They're happily divorced, but I can tell that over time it's worn her down. I'm just a junior in high school, but I guess she and I can navigate this together.

God, let there be cute boys at this high school, I'm begging you.


I was almost immediately accosted by what I deemed the welcoming committee the moment I locked the door to my car and began the dreaded 'new kid' trek to the front office of Forks High School. Stares came from anyone loitering in the parking lot before class while this overly-excited kid, who introduced himself as Eric Yorkie, began what had to be a well rehearsed 'anything you need' spiel. All hopes of flying under the radar halfway through junior year vanished into thin air and I hadn't even made it to the sidewalk yet.

"Eric? I really appreciate your help and concern, but I was hoping to kinda just glide in on my first day and blend in." I said as we walked together through the wet parking lot, dodging the bigger puddles so I wouldn't soak my shoes before I got to my first class of the day.

"Oh that's pretty much impossible here, newcomers are always the only thing everyone talks about. Don't be scared to hit me up with questions later though, good luck!" Shouting that last part as he dashed off to class, turning the heads of a few close students.

A deep sigh passed my lips as I trudged on, pulling open the heavy door to the administration office. It's nice to have someone offer help on my first day, I just wish this town was big enough so that I could get lost on everyone's list of priorities to gossip about or stare at.

Today is going to be a long day.


"Good morning dear!" A sweet older woman announced from behind the central desk in the front office. The name plate in front of her reading 'Administrative Secretary Shelly Cope'.

"Good morning Miss Cope. I'm Y/n Y/l/n, here to pick up my class schedule and hopefully a map of the place?" I said, cutting to the chase. The front office is a giant fish bowl to the students walking by outside, no one wants to spend more time than necessary here on their first day.

"Oh yes! I've got it all printed out and ready to go for ya dear, along with your locker assignment." She says with a smile, passing the papers across her desk. "Let me know if you have any questions or if you need help with anything!"

"Yes ma'am, thank you!" I responded, half reading my new schedule - half aware of where I was going as I pressed my shoulder to the exit.

First period Biology
Second period English
Third period Spanish
Fourth period Trigonom-

The front office door makes a resounding smack straight into an unsuspecting, gorgeous, golden-eyed fellow student, sending the papers clutched in my hands to the ground.

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