Chapter Two

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• January 24th, 2005 • Forks High School •


Thankfully the first half of the day went rather uneventful, although I am disappointed I haven't had a class with the handsome Jasper Hale yet. I did however, make friends with his adopted siblings Alice and Emmett Cullen. Both of which are gorgeous in their own right, but nowhere near as attractive as their blonde brother.

In English I sat in the unoccupied seat next to Alice Cullen, gratefully so. She seems like just the kind of friend a new girl needs in order to survive high school. I transferred to this place at such a horrible time in the year - almost at the end of my 11th grade. But after just a few minutes of knowing her, Alice caught me up on everything I missed. Turns out I've pretty much read everything they had covered this year and then some, fingers crossed that it continues to be a trend in most of my classes.

I learned that the boy walking with Jasper Hale this morning when I so rudely almost killed him with the door to the front office, is his adopted brother Emmett Cullen. A hulking mass of muscle, but a complete teddy bear, he kept me entertained for most of Trig. I can already tell that sitting in front of him was probably a bad move on my part for my academic career, but the guy is an absolute comedian.

Parting ways with Emmett after Math, I made my way to my locker. Digging the wrinkled combination paper out of my pocket, I was studying the numbers right when I bumped into a thin scrap of a girl with brown hair and an orange backpack. Immediately cursing myself I dropped to the ground to gather her notes before they could be stepped on by the stampede of people rushing to the cafeteria for lunch.

"Oh my god I'm so sorry! I-I just wasn't paying attention, I was looking at my stupid locker combination and-" I scrambled for excuses, word vomit spilling from my lips.

"Oh um, it's okay! I'm not the most graceful person, so no worries." An awkward pause, "Hey, you're the new girl right?" She asked.

"Unfortunately." I replied, looking up with a sad smile. I stuck out my hand to shake, "I'm Y/n Y/l/n, you are?"

"Bella Swan, former new girl I guess." She responded as she lightly shook my hand. "You can sit with me during lunch if you want, maybe us gracefully-challenged should stick together."

"Oh absolutely." I chuckled a little, "I'll grab my lunch from my locker and find you in there."

"Cool, see you then." She replied with a half-wave as she continued down the hallway to the cafeteria.



One of the convenient things about being a vampire is that we really don't necessarily need to breathe. In public places packed with humans, I can just hold my breath, but the challenge comes in making it still seem like I'm breathing.

Lost in my thoughts while Emmett and Rosalie drone on about plans after school, I spot the new girl - Y/n enter the cafeteria. I sit up straighter in my seat and observe her shamelessly as she walks unknowingly in my direction, switching paths as she spots the object of Edward's latest desire: Isabella Swan. I spare a glance to my stoic adopted brother and see him rising from his seat, probably headed in the same direction as Y/n.

Walking up to the pair, I could tell his eyes were only on Isabella. Both girls stared up at him in awe, their emotions giving away that they were surprised to see him seeking them, or rather a certain one of them, out.

"Isabella-" Edward started but was interrupted by Y/n.

"I'll... go find us a seat." Bella didn't even spare her a glance as Y/n rushed away.

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