Chapter Nine

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• March 12th, 2005 • Forks, WA •


I pull my motorcycle to a stop at an outlook over the Olympic Forest just outside of town, not wanting to go far for her first ride, but also wanting to get her alone and just be. I reach a hand behind me for her to take as she climbs off before I pop out the kickstand and get off myself. She's handing me my protective gear as I turn to see what's got her eager to leave my side and I'm met with the second most gorgeous view, the first being the girl before me.

The deep green of the forest clashes against the oranges, pinks, and purples of the descending sun to make for a spectacular sunset. To make it even better, I can see the reflection of it in her eyes - the duality of beauty rendering me speechless for longer than I'd like to admit.

This gorgeous creature, this kind and beautiful soul before me is meant to be mine. My singer, the greatest temptation a vampire could ever experience and I have found her. How on earth a monster like me is supposed to be an equal for an angel like her, I might never know.



He's staring at me in such a way that I feel completely alive. It's causing my face to heat, but I could care less about being embarrassed-this beautiful sunset and the vampire next to me have snatched all rational thought.

I turn to meet his eyes and I can tell a million things are running through his mind by the slightly unfocused look. The hint of a grin on his perfect lips bring a smile to my own, "Penny for your thoughts?" I ask.

"You'd have millions." He jokes, but I'm slightly lost and tilt my head. "My thoughts are nothing but you, darlin'. You'd have millions if you had a penny for each one."

My mouth gapes like a fish for a few seconds, for someone so stoic usually, he sure can make a girl swoon. So instead of replying, I turn my gaze to his hands, running my fingers overs them and up his wrist. Before they could ascend any further though, one of his hands reaches up to stop me. Fearing that I've unknowingly pushed a boundary, I glance up in alarm.

"There is a reason I wear sleeves, sweetheart." He explains with a sad half-smile.

"If you think any part of you could scare me, you're wrong Hale." I mean it and I know he can sense the truth of my words.

"I've done things, horrible things for a horrible person, and I did them without question-"

"So tell me and let me prove that none of that matters now." I lift a brow daring him to defy me.

In response he pushes the sleeves of his shirt up to reveal scarred forearms. Not just typical scarring, but bite marks. I let out a gasp at the hard ridges and pits that penetrate his skin, there must be hundreds and they have to have been painful to permanently damage the skin of a vampire. My wide eyes meet his and I can tell he's holding his breath for what I might say.

"Who-what could do this to you? Why? How?" Questions begin tumbling from my lips as my fingers float across his damaged skin, anguish beginning to seep into my bones as his explanation begins.

"I was the youngest major in the Texas Calvary, evacuating women and children from the battlefield when I... came across three women that I thought required assistance. Being the gentleman and soldier I was, I offered them aid and it cost me my life." He inhaled a deep breath before continuing, still watching my hands explore his skin. "Their leader Maria, was the one that changed me with the intention to use me as a general for her own army. An army of newly turned vampires, impossible for anyone, human or vampire, to beat. I was..." A heavy pause, "Also in charge of dispatching them once they outlived her usefulness for her."

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