Chapter One

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• January 24th, 2005 • Forks High School •


Another boring day at this high school which meant another tally added to the long list of days spent amongst hormonal teenagers for almost no reason.


I understand the importance of learning to curb my hunger, to be able to assimilate into society as easily as my coven members. I crave the ability they possess to just exist in public without any hint of the monster that lies within. I'll give it to Carlisle, not many places could I be immersed in an environment flush with humans, but also have the ability to blame my awkwardness with them on teenage hormones while I adjust. I'm not too keen on taking the risk with literal children, but that risk forces me to maintain a tighter grip on the bloodlust raging inside.

I still don't like the experimentation of it all.

At least my adopted brothers and sisters are close by whenever I need. I hate that I'm not sure of myself yet, like I'm still in need of the crutch they provide should I need it. This is a never-ending war crawling under my skin. I should be strong enough to control this, I'm nearly 160 years old. I've commanded humans and vampires alike, why can I not command my own urges for blood?

I'm deep in my own mind walking alongside Emmett as he talks my ear off about his Jeep and the modifications he contemplates making tonight to kill time, and as we pass the front office to our high school, I nearly miss catching the door before it could crack me across the face.

Once I gain my bearings after the momentary shock of being caught in my thoughts, I let the door drift shut and look to the culprit-

Thoughts are foreign to me all of a sudden.

I immediately stop breathing in shock, my back goes rigid, and blinking becomes a thing of the past as my eyes connect with the most gorgeous girl I've ever seen.

I've never seen such a beautiful person, human or vampire, in my life. My eyes are greedy as I drink her in. From the white converse, worn overalls, the chunky sweater underneath to ward off the early morning chill, to her beautifully messy hair hastily clipped up in a twist at the base of her head - she's a breath of fresh air and I've been submerged for over a century.

But what really catches me off guard is her scent. She smells like fresh lavender and something else so decadent I can't quite put my finger on it. I can feel the beginnings of flames licking down my throat at just the microscopic inhale after releasing the door from my death-grip moments ago.

The scent of this bewitching girl had me in such a trance, enough that when Emmett delivers a clap to my shoulder to shake me from my thoughts, I didn't even realize he was chuckling at my expense.

"Oh god I'm so sorry! I was so focused on my schedule that I didn't even see you-" she immediately began apologizing.

"No need to worry, doll. It'll require a little more than a door to take me out." I immediately interrupted her nervous rambling. Did I really just say that?

"Jasper Hale." I stuck my hand out for her to shake, trying to start this introduction all over on the right foot.

I noticed her glance to my outstretched hand and back up to my face as her warm hand slid into mine.

"Y/n, Y/n Y/l/n." She replied, still looking a little surprised. She squeezed my hand a little before allowing hers to slip from mine.

Just from the small amount of skin to skin contact with this beautiful girl, everything inside of me roars to life. I'm worried that if I glance at my hand, I'll see the skin crawling from where the heat of her hand lingers.

Surprise, worry, anxiety, embarrassment, self-deprecation, awe - the emotions a rolodex scrolling in rapid succession in the forefront of my mind. The shock of meeting her momentarily throwing my supernatural ability for a loop. I haven't had such shit control over the emotions surrounding me since I was a newborn vampire.

I've never had such an interesting reaction to something, or rather someone, before - it scares me slightly. I can only gape as Y/n turns and makes her way quickly to class.



Can someone die from stupidity?

I'm at my new high school for less than an hour and I've already made the biggest fool of myself. I almost just took out the most attractive human being at this school by complete accident.

After introducing myself to Jasper Hale, I hastily turn around and book it for my first class in the hopes to avoid further insult to injury.

Smooth, Y/n. Real fucking smooth.

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