Chapter Fifteen

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• September 13th, 2005 • Cullen Residence •



It's a weird feeling - the tingling in your fingers, the ringing in your ears, the copper tang from biting your tongue. I don't think I've even blinked since... Well, since Alice removed me from the war path of her brother.

It was almost as if someone else was in my body, watching this train wreck of a birthday party.

Everything was fine. I was cozied up to Jasper, he was whispering kisses into my hair and rubbing mindless patterns on my back as he held me close. Warm, safe, content, protected.

Until I wasn't.

Until Alice wrapped an arm around my waist after Bella opened the envelope from Esme and Carlisle. Next thing I knew, I was across the room and Bella had a paper cut.

Chaos was an understatement.

Jasper met my eyes, pitch black hunger showed back instead of the person I was familiar with and a cold shiver ran down my spine. Rose flashed in front of me, drawing his predatory gaze before it finally landed on Isabella. Edward, sensing the turn in Jasper's attention, pushed Bella away to intercept his brother's loss of control.

It all happened so quickly, my eyes could barely track what transpired.

Edward shoved Jasper across the room, right into the grand piano under the second floor landing, causing a gasp to rip from my throat. Bella was knocked into a table, colliding with glass that tore open her bicep. Carlilse was torn between helping Emmett restrain Jasper and staunching the blood flow from Bella's larger cut. I started shaking, one hand covering my mouth and the other gripping Rose's arm, Alice's arm still around me and Rose standing before me protectively.

This has to be a nightmare. How did this turn so quickly?

Once Emmett wrestled his brother outside, the Cullen's took their leave one by one, leaving Bella and I with Carlisle. Escorting Bella to his office to patch her arm up, I'm left alone in a room that looks like a bomb had been set off just moments ago. And it had, our fragile mortality just decimated what was supposed to be a night of celebration. After a few moments of spiraling out, I feel a hand on my elbow bring me back to the present - Esme.

"Dear, let me clean, I don't want you to accidentally... C'mon." She tells me in that light motherly tone, trying to be gentle and kind as she leads me away from the shattered glass covered rug.

I can't accidentally cut myself, not if I want to be around Jasper.


"Where is he?" I ask in a daze.

"Sweetheart-" but I interrupt her.

"I need to check on him, the others will... make sure I'm alright." The words are acid in my mouth, it's almost unfathomable to even doubt my safety in the presence of him.

Almost. And it breaks my heart.

"Garage." She answers gently.



I can't breathe.

Not that vampires need oxygen, but I'm probably as close to getting a panic attack as one could get.

"Breathe man, everything is fine." Emmett tries to reassure me, but it's futile. I'm pacing back and forth in the driveway, while the rest of my adopted siblings watch from the garage.

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