Chapter Seven

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• March 9th, 2005 • Home •


Deciding to play sick to avoid going to school since my cheek is still tender from last night, I made a show of spending the morning pretend-vomiting. I managed to convince my mother that I was fine enough to stay home alone today from school. She ended up finally leaving for work twenty minutes late after some encouragement from me behind my closed bedroom door, but only after I heard her rummaging around in the kitchen - laying out supplies for soup, crackers, and bottles of water so that I didn't have to search for it in my 'state'.

I'm still fuming from my argument with Jasper last night. I'm beyond grateful for his rescue, but mad he couldn't tell me how he pulled it off. What the fuck is he hiding? Did Bella manage to get an answer from Edward? I rub my head where my scalp still tingles from the rough treatment yesterday as I contemplate theories.

Grabbing my phone, I flip it open and type Bella a message: My house after school? Mom will be at work.

It only takes a few moments before my cell vibrates: Definitely, Edward told me everything.

I stare at my phone, surprised. Everything? Everything as in, last night? Or why they aren't allowed on the rez? Why they're so fucking cryptic all the time? Why no one has been able to penetrate their tight-knit group?

A knock on my front door disturbs me from my thoughts; glancing at the clock, it shows that it's about halfway through first period already. Who would-

More insistent knocking. Alright, alright I think as I descend the stairs.

"Hello-" I greet, swinging the door open, but I stop short at who is standing on my front porch: Jasper Hale.

"You're not at school." He says, standing there like I offended him by not showing.

"Very astute of you. I'm mad at you, Sherlock." Folding my arms across my chest, I level him with a gaze that would normally melt a normal boy.

But he isn't a normal boy and he can't tell me why.

"Education is important."

I laugh and fire back, "The truth is important."

"Invite me in." He asks, stepping up to the doorway. I know he's giving me control instead of just barging inside - especially after what happened last night, but who is he to make requests right now?

"No." I don't budge, not giving him an inch.

"Then take a walk with me, darlin'." I can feel my anger waver as I continue to stare into his dark eyes. I try to fight it, but a wave of curiosity douses my anger and I cave reluctantly.

"I need shoes." I tell him in a clipped tone as I turn on my heel for the hallway closet.

"Grab a jacket too, doll."

I huff at his request, not happy to take suggestions from him when I'm irritated and he's being considerate.


"Okay what gives? Why are we tromping through the woods?" I stop next to a tree, refusing to walk any further in silence.

"Ask me. Ask me again." He turns to face me head on, determination set on his face.

"What's different from last night?" I ask, skirting what he wants.

"Fuck it." His arms lift and then drop to slap his jean-clad thighs.

"Fuck it?"

"Fuck it, Y/n. Ask away." He steps closer from where he stopped ten feet away.

"How did you know where we were-"

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