Chapter Fourteen

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My entire summer was spent with the Cullens. Surprisingly enough, my mother didn't protest it one bit, something about finally making friends. I was mostly monopolized by Jasper, but Alice had her fair share of stealing me away for girl's nights with Esme and Rosalie.

Rosalie, talk about a tough nut to crack. I think at this point I've finally crested the mountain of hatred she feels towards her brothers' "mortal liabilities" and I'm solidly in tolerable territory. She doesn't outwardly mention her distaste anymore or avoid me like the plague, which I consider a definite win. I think Emmett is partially what wore her down besides Jasper's lack of give a damn towards his sister's opinions.

Befriending Alice has been as easy as breathing, she's always there and might as well have Edward's supernatural power of mind reading. I can tell her life has been lonely in the way she attaches herself to Bella and I, Rose isn't the most social female and Esme is more of a mother figure than best friend. I'm grateful for her nonetheless, I'm not exactly flooded with friends myself - nor is whatever this thing is with Jasper an appropriate topic of conversation for anyone outside of this immediate circle.

Emmett has managed to become the older brother I wish I had and he takes that role incredibly serious for someone that's always the comedic relief. Over the course of the last couple of months, I've figured out that he's a big hugger, and a very good one at that. I've also noticed that he's become my rock in a way - never backing down from a challenge, always hyping me up, and never passing judgement.

I still haven't cracked the code for Edward. He's quiet and shut off from the rest, not one for casual conversation or wasting time. And when he isn't with Bella - well that's wasting time in the worst way. Majority of our interactions are spent in comfortable silence, Jasper tells me it's because I'm like a magnet in the way that my energy is calmer than most.

I like to think Jasper and I don't make his family quite as nauseous as Edward and Bella do, but I know we have our moments... like his sisters insisting we sit apart for movie night because he most definitely cannot keep his hands to himself. The smug grin he had on his face along with his hands raised in surrender as his sisters berated him still makes me blush, damn him and his stupidly attractive smirk.

All summer long I've been waiting for the other shoe to drop, for him to realize that I'm human and he's immortal, that I'm nothing in the grand scheme that is his life. It's partially my fault for chickening out every time the topic of us rolls around, but my anxiety tends to get the better of me. God he is a patient man though, never pushing me and always in-tune to my feelings.

I'm absolutely head over heels for him but I can't quite force those three little words of I love you past my lips. The confession simultaneously on the tip of my tongue and clogging up my throat.

Although he would disagree heavily, Jasper Hale is not a hard man to fall in love with. He struggles with his control from time to time, but when it comes to me - I can tell he's different. He's quiet in a way that's patient and at-ease, instead of the closed-off way he was initially. His smile is softer around the edges, less forced than when he was trying for the sake of his adopted mother. His touch is instinct now, no longer robotic or unsure, but softer. He's quicker to laugh, quicker to whisper sweet-nothings in my ear that make my cheeks hurt from smiling, quicker to reach for my hand when he needs an anchor.

I've never been more grateful for a split second of clumsiness on my first day at a new school.


• September 13th, 2005 • Forks HS •


"A birthday party at your house?" Y/n asks, walking beside me before first period.

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