Chapter Twelve

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• March 19th, 2005 • Hospital - Phoenix, AZ •


Pulling into a parking spot in the Hospital's adjoined parking garage, I let out the breath I'd been holding since dropping Y/n's mom off at the airport and let my head fall back on the headrest. In the last week I've never been more scared, worried, keyed up than I have ever been in my immortal life.

Y/n and Isabella managed to slip past Alice and I at the hotel on some half-assed rescue mission... I promised Edward I'd protect Bella and I didn't, now she has a broken leg and was almost on her way to turning into one of us. With as much experience as I have in war, keeping an eye on two teenage girls is a challenge? I nearly crush the keys to Carlisle's car in my hand, the plastic groaning in protest.

I could've lost her.

The realization hurts and angers me all at the same time. Not only do I need to watch myself around humans, but I also have a singer, someone I'm falling hopelessly in love with and I feel so-so out of control. I can't protect her at every twist and turn and it's eating me alive. She's human and frail, not meant for my world and yet she's been sucked into it because of me.

I exit the car and find my way back to Y/n's room before visitation hours end. My thoughts are a mess until I step in her room and her scent washes over me, scorching - but soothing. Soothing because she's still here, she's breathing and her monitor is still beeping.

I take up my post in the chair in the corner even though I know she'd prefer me at her side. From here I can still watch her while I get a grip on my raging emotions and the thirst licking flames down my throat.

She has less wires and tubes today, preparing for discharge in a day or two. After finally waking this morning, she managed to convince her mom she was fine enough to leave her here under Carlisle and I's watchful eye with the promise to constantly keep her updated. I could feel her mother's torn emotions - sadness with a twinge of anguish because she had to get back to work, but strangely enough - relief when she assessed me before making her decision to go home. Nevertheless, I reassured her that I would drive her daughter back carefully while using my ability to ease the anxiety that bubbled up.

Y/n's breathing sped up slightly signaling that she was waking from her nap, so I sat up straight in my chair.

"Jaz?" Her quiet voice croaked out.

"Still here, darlin'. I just dropped your mom off at the airport." Standing, I quietly roll her bedside table closer that has her cup of water.

"Jasper?" She asks again after a sip.

"Yes, sweetheart?" I respond, pulling my chair closer to the bed while keeping my eyes down.

"Look at me, please?" The soft plea almost tears my heart in two and my eyes snap to her bruised face. "Talk to me?"

"We can talk once you're discharged-"

"No, this clearly needs to happen now." So demanding, even lying in a hospital bed.

"You could've died-"

"But I didn't-"

"Don't even start with that." My tone comes out a little harsher than I intended and I squeeze my eyes shut as I sit, pushing my hands through my hair as my elbows rest on my knees. "If Alice wasn't watching, if I didn't have a clue as to where you and Bella went..." My eyes scan the room for something to focus on, but I settle on her face, "If I was a fraction too slow getting to you, you could be dead - both of you."

"I knew you'd come for me, Jasper."

"You don't get to make decisions like that when I'm supposed to be protecting you, Y/n. You don't get it." I stress, grabbing the hand not hooked up to an IV and cradling it in mine. "We're in a hospital right now and you have broken bones. You were in a coma." I want to yell my frustration suddenly.

"What don't I get?" She asks.


"You said I don't get it, what don't I get?"

"You... you're everything to me." I whisper as I run a finger gently down her bruised cheek, the swelling around her eye having gone down slightly.



I'm not entirely sure I heard him correctly. You're everything to me. He said it like it was obvious, inevitable, easy.

"You-you can't mean that." I glance to my lap and pick at the coarse hospital blanket as my nerves get the better of me.

"Darlin', I wouldn't be here worried out of my mind if I didn't." His icy fingers tilt my chin up to meet his dark eyes. "You... you test me in every conceivable way and I can't get enough."

My throat closes up and I fumble for a response, "Jasper-"

"Don't do that to me again, don't run away from me like you can't ask me for anything. Your safety is paramount and I don't ever want to feel that helpless again." His hand cradles the back of my head like it's the finest piece of glass and my heart is ready to burst.

Just when I feel on the verge of a heart attack from his words, my nurse barges through my door.

"Is everything-" but she stops short and smiles knowingly at Jasper perched on the edge of my bed, "Try to keep her heart rate down? You had me worried it was something much worse."

I finally notice the quick beeping of my heart rate monitor and I swear, I could pass away right here from embarrassment. And if that weren't enough, my nurse winks at Jasper as he replies "Yes ma'am." with a sneaky grin to her on her way out.

I'm tempted to smack his arm for teasing me, but decide against it since it's still tender from being sprained.

"You're worse than my mom." I grumble, trying to fold my arms while still attached to wires and an IV line.

"Oh sweetheart, don't go comparing me to your mother." Smiling to himself, he settles back into his chair as we wait for my evening round of medication.

He'll be the death of me, my new mantra.


• March 20th, 2005 • Hospital - Phoenix, AZ •


Discharge papers are signed, I'm dressed in new clothes Alice left for me, and I'm currently being wheeled to the exit by a nurse who adamantly refused to just let me walk out of here on my own. Thankfully Jasper isn't here to witness this and is instead pulling the car around to the door with an overhang, conveniently providing him cover from the rising desert sun.

The heat is a dry blast to the face once the automatic doors slide open as I'm wheeled to the curb and I'm thankful Alice picked a light sundress. The thoughtfulness in her supernatural ability is just another reason to love her.

My nurse helps me stand as Jasper parks in front of us and jogs to my side. I catch him doing a double take as I turn to thank my nurse and grab the last of my things from her. I feel his eyes roam over me as I climb in the car and sure enough, once I sit and turn to him, I can tell he has thoughts he's hesitating with.

Gently shutting my door, he returns to the driver's seat and steers the car through the crowded parking lot.

"You look nice, darlin'." He says, glancing at me momentarily.

"For someone this banged up?" I'm still sporting a bruise under my eye and a wrap on my injured wrist. My ribs have been protesting all the movement I've done since getting out of bed this morning.

"Even banged up you're still gorgeous." His compliment is quiet, but the words are echoing in my head and ratcheting my heart rate up yet again.

And I swear I hear him mutter through his teeth as I watch his fingers tighten on the steering wheel, "This is going to be a long car ride."

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