Chapter Twenty-Eight

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• April 1st, 2006 • Home •


Ten o'clock on the dot, as promised, a knock on the front door draws me from my reverie. I'd spent the last 30 minutes after getting ready, lost in my head on the couch. Surely today's talk with Jasper won't end badly, god I hope not.

Swinging the door open, my eyes snap to his and a smile takes over my face on instinct. "Hey."

"Good morning, darlin'." The way his accent wraps around that familiar term of endearment will always make me weak in the knees.

He almost completely blocks my view but bright yellow behind him just barely snags my vision-is that?

"Did you-?"

"Borrow my sister's apology gift? Yes, it's a little bit too wet for a bike ride, sweetheart." Turning to look at Alice's car, he misses the blush heating my cheeks at the memory of the last time I was on his motorcycle, holding him close.

"Fair enough." I turn to snag my coat from the hook near the door before closing and locking it.

His outstretched hand helps be down the front stairs before leading me to the passenger side of the beautiful Porsche. Beautiful is an understatement for this piece of machinery, I hate to even ruin the floor mats with my wet shoes.

"Alice chose her gift wisely, Edward did good." Jasper chuckles slightly at my comment as I lower myself into the seat and he shuts the door gently, cocooning me in silence momentarily until his door opens.

"What she did for him - to save him, this was the least he could do." Watching him start the car, I realize it's a manual transmission.

He smoothly shifts it into reverse to exit my driveway before shifting again to leave the neighborhood. My brain stutters a little as I watch him maneuver the car, god - is everything this man does going to be ridiculously attractive?

"Where are we going?" I manage to drag my gaze from his hand and I'm caught, he smirks like he fucking knows.

"Since everyone is home, we're going somewhere with privacy." A shiver trickles over my skin quickly even though I'm wearing a coat, somewhere with privacy.

Excitement begins to bubble up in my chest and I opt to watch the trees as the pass by quickly outside my window, trying and probably failing to hide my own smirk.



Easing the car to a stop, I watch as the realization of where we are dawns on her.

"Our spot!" A breathtaking smile overtakes her face as she turns to me quickly and I'm stunned, it's like I'm staring at an angel incarnate, gorgeous.

I chuckle and exit the vehicle, excitement and pure joy flow from her unmitigated and I smile to myself, letting her emotion wash over me like waves gently lapping at the shore.

I barely graze the door handle with my fingers before her impatience at my lack of speed flings the door open. The moment I met her quickly flashing through my mind before I catch the door, stopping it from snapping back closed in her face. "Darlin'-" I tease her, but I'm not the object of her focus.

"This view really is unfair." Her voice is gentle as she brushes past me and closes in on the railing at the edge, protectiveness flaring in my chest at her proximity to danger.

Sporadic, gloomy clouds dot the ridge line, but the scenery is bathed in a wetness from the rain that highlights the deep tones of the forest. The air is crisp and humid, clean but also heavy with the scent of drenched wood.

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