Chapter Eleven

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• March 16th, 2005 • Bella's Ballet Studio •


I swear, Isabella Swan sure knows how to talk me into some seriously stupid plans. Okay, so maybe she didn't really talk me into joining her, but I couldn't exactly let her go face a bloodthirsty vampire on her own. Two humans against one vampire, not much by the way of odds considering we have no means for being any kind of physical challenge.

We managed to slip past Alice and Jasper while they were in the lobby checking out. After getting a phone call from Edward that the nomads figured out the rouse, both he and Jasper decided to get us far away... whatever that means long-term.

"So... you got a plan?" I ask her once we exit the taxi.

Jasper is going to murder me for managing to run away from him undetected and throwing myself head first into danger.

"I hadn't really thought that far, he's got my mom Y/n." She pauses a few seconds before turning to enter the ballet studio she attended as a kid and I follow.

It's silent in the building until we enter the main studio room lined with mirrors.

"Bella! Bella? Bella-where are you?" I hear her mom call out.

"Mom?" Bella begins running in the direction of her voice with me hot on her heels, "Mom?" She asks again as she whips open the doors to a closet in the back of the room.

Only it's empty. Except for a tv. Playing an old home-movie of Bella as a child.

"That's my favorite part," the nomad James taunts Bella as he stalks toward us, "You were a stubborn child, weren't you?"

Renee isn't here, never was.

Terror, absolute terror shocks through me. It's a trap and we walked straight into it without even questioning it. Jasper and Alice don't even know where we are, I can only hope they've even figured out we're gone by now.

I turn to run to the doors we just entered through, if I could just get outside and call-

But James is there in a flash, hand fisted around my throat. "Leaving so soon? The party hasn't started yet." He throws me against a wall as he stalks forward to Isabella, "Have a seat, you won't want to miss this."

I continue to flash in and out of consciousness as he plays with the both of us, taunting Edward and Jasper in his twisted video. Breaking Bella's leg, a blow to my side to keep me from running again, the pain was all-encompassing.

And my only thought was, I hope they find us in time.



"Darlin', can you open your eyes for me?" Frantic words and cold fingers ghost over my skin.

I manage to crack one blurry eye open, "Jasper?" I croak out slightly confused. How long have I been out? Am I still in the studio?

"Carlisle!" Is the Jasper Hale panicking? I crack a smile on my busted lips and it earns me a line of questioning.

"What's so funny, doll? Hmm?" Chilly hands continue to inspect my broken body, I can see his wide eyes flicking over my injuries. Not hunger - no, concern.

"I don't think I've ever seen you panic, Hale." I say calmly, at odds with the chaos stirring around us.

"Well, I've never seen you... like this. Because of me." He won't meet my gaze.

"Not because of you," cough "I made the decision to tag along with Bella," I paused to let out a particularly rough cough,  "we thought he had," another cough "her mom, we had to do something."

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