Chapter Twenty-Seven

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• March 28th, 2006 • Forks HS •


I give up.

Striding from my locker, I interrupt Jasper and his conversation with Alice, pushing him towards the familiar small alcove below the stairs.

I breathe heavily, working up the nerve to ask him what's been on my mind for an ungodly amount of time. Fuck me, I just miss him so damn much.

"Can I kiss you?" I'm weak, weak for needing him so badly after such a short amount of time, I can't even look anywhere else than the middle of his chest as I make my request.

He surges forward after a heavy beat of silence once I finish my question, he cages me against the wall, "Be mine."

His words snatch the oxygen from my body, I glance up to his eyes, "What?"

"Come over this weekend," his gaze is intense - staring into my very soul, "Let me apologize for the last six months. Give me a shot, darlin'."

"Okay-" I don't even finish my answer before he moves to grant my wish.

Oh god.

His lips lay themselves upon mine and I swear time stops. It's a cliche, but everything else in my life no longer exists aside from his lips on mine. Cold and firm, but gentle and steady. A perfect match, non-dominating or in a hurry, but taking his time. As if he were memorizing the pressure, the taste, the way my own lips moved against his.

As if he were coaxing my soul out into the open, to bask in the warm sun that is his love.

Our mouths slotted perfectly together, familiar, the way my body clicked with his. My arms wind themselves around his neck and he kisses me deeper, more - I need more. Two magnets drawn together, two pieces of torn cloth restitched to be whole again, two halves meant to find their place in each other. I move, tilting my head and he responds in kind, an equal in every way despite our differing mortality.

I almost didn't get this. This-this summation of feelings and butterflies an-and everything between us that's built up. The lead weight in my stomach from this realization threatens to yank me from the cloud nine his kiss firmly perched me on.

Tears, fat and heavy roll down my cheeks as I grip his shirt desperately and he pulls away just far enough to inspect my face.

"Why are you crying, sweet girl?"

"I never... I never thought I'd get the chance..." My eyes remain closed, unable to meet his gaze.

"To what?" I can hear the crinkle in his brow just from his voice.

"To kiss you again."

I hear his sharp intake of breath and I know my words cut deep.

I open my eyes, "You left me and it's all I've ever thought about. I-I-"

"Darlin'," his turn for his eyes to flutter closed, "I've regretted every day since that night. I regret my lapse in control, I regret not having a better grip on myself, to handle these urges."

"Can you?" My lips ghost over his as I whisper my question, the addiction having taken root. "Can you handle it now?"

A shuddering breath exits his mouth and his eyes snap open, a rare display of my effect on the vampire. "No."

The answer zaps through me, but he stops me before I could pull away. "No? Jasper-"

"You-I-" a growl pushes to the surface, giving away his flustered state. "I can't fucking think for god's sake."



Fuck me, her mouth is pure sin.

I could lose myself in those lips and never care about resurfacing ever again. Everything she does, from how she tilts her chin to welcome me further, to how her body yields to mine and forms against me, it's heaven. The burning in my throat is secondary to the pure bliss her kiss envelopes me with.

Not to mention her fucking emotions.

Need, happiness, hunger, relief, contentment. They just keep coming, one after the other and I swear it inflates my chest with a happiness of my own, like a thousand butterflies trapped inside the cage of my ribs.


It feels like two ribbons entwining, dancing in sync, twisting in ways that create a beautiful tangled mess not soon to be unwound.


This one is different, I've felt love before - it's shines from Esme's face on a daily basis, it seeps from the smile lines around Carlisle's mouth, and it passes through me with every one of Emmett's hugs. But this? This love? This love is flowing straight from her heart into mine, breathing life into something long cold and dead. This love is meant only for me, only to be shared between mates, this kind of love is meant to be secreted away and only examined in moments of vulnerability between two like souls.

I love her and she loves me.

The thought rocks me to my core and I cup the back of her head as she leans back a little, allowing me to deepen the kiss.

A wetness begins to trickle down her cheeks and it startles me from the trance of her delicious mouth, tears?

I pull back far enough to catch the tear tracks from her tightly closed lids, "Why are you crying, sweet girl?"

"I never... I never thought I'd get the chance..." She trails off, still hiding those gorgeous eyes from me.

"To what?" I furrow my brow, not quite following.

"To kiss you again."

I inhale quickly to try and soften the blow her words deal straight to my chest. She's yearned for this moment for months, just like I have.

She finally opens her eyes, "You left me and it's all I've ever thought about. I-I-"

"Darlin'," it's my turn for my eyes to flutter closed, "I've regretted every day since that night. I regret my lapse in control, I regret not having a better grip on myself, to handle these urges."

"Can you?" Her lips ghost over my own as she whispers her question, stealing the very thoughts from my brain. "Can you handle it now?"

I exhale a shuddering breath before my eyes snap open, "No."

"No? Jasper-"

"You-I-" a growl erupts before I could stop it, frustration at my own thoughts bubbling up. "I can't fucking think for god's sake."

Will this girl ever learn that she controls me? That I bend to her? She has me wrapped securely around her delicate little pinky and she has no idea.

"I need to hunt before this weekend, but I will pick you up Saturday morning at your house." I promise her, my nose gently rubbing against hers in a soothing motion.

"Okay." Her breathless reply damn-near brings me to my knees.

"Darlin'?" I question her, slightly amused.

"Hmm?" Her eyes are closed, her emotions are just emanating absolute bliss.

"We still have half a school day to get through." I'm not sure who I'm trying to convince, her or myself.

"I'm not sure you can convince me to go." Fuck.

"Darlin', you gotta help me out here." I scratch the base of her skull lightly to get her attention and it was definitely the wrong thing to do, her grip tightens on my shirt and her bliss burns a little heavier, almost suffocating me.

"Now why would I do that when I could just kiss you again?" Her eyes crack open, but I'm already in motion.

How could I argue with logic like that? My lips are on hers again before that beautiful pink mouth could part even a fraction.

Love, oh I could get used to this.

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