¤Chapter 1

874 19 21

"I quit

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"I quit."

"What do you mean?" The raven-haired male before her asked, confused.

"I want to leave this gang and experience a normal life." The 18-year-old girl said.

"You know you have no say in this, right?" replied her elder brother. "You cannot just leave the gang because you want to. You'd constantly be under threat because you are a part of the Jung family."

"I don't care! I just want to live my life independently. I feel trapped in this house. You don't even let me go on missions with you guys or set foot outside this hellhole for other than school!" The young girl retorted with anger slowly building up inside her.

"WATCH YOUR MOUTH, YOUNG LADY!! The place you are calling hellhole is your home!"

Anger had now fully consumed her. "A home is where a family lives happily. The mother, the father, the kids- EVERYONE! I wouldn't call it a family where the members keep secrets from each other, lie to them, and are never available when they need them the most.

My decision is final. I'm leaving, with or without your consent. Also, please don't interfere in my life anymore." Tears had already sprung up in her eyes by then. She turned around wiping them, and with one last look at her brother, she left the room before he could answer.

This argument with her brother kept echoing in Seohyun's mind as she lay awake in her room. She definitely missed him, but her priorities were more important for her, even then and even now.

After moving out of the Jung Residence,
4 years ago, she enrolled herself in the Seoul University and did her majors in Occupational Therapy. She liked healing people. This was why Jaehyun had never let her go on missions with them, she would rather get hurt herself than hurt others.

Despite having precise aims and all necessary basic fighting skills, she didn't resort to violence unless it was for self-defence. She hasn't had the need to use it till now, and she hoped she wouldn't have to in future either, now that she was no longer a member of the gang.

She shrugged away these thoughts and checked the time - 1:49 a.m. Her apartment mate-slash-bestie, Haeyoon, hadn't returned yet. As if on cue, her phone buzzed beside her.


Heyytyt Bestujee~~
Cam yoiu pcik me uo

                         Ugh, You're drunk again???

But alos.......

                                                      Also what?

I was wlaking dpwn thr
staris amd thsi guy bumprd
intk me
He was siper cyte😍😍😍
But I frll dowm
Cam u beleive it!!!!
Amd now I ahve thsi
gaint red bubbel om my
Bubbles aer soooopp
Byt thsi bubbel hutrs
wheb I touch ut😭😭😭

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