¤Chapter 13

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The trigger was pulled in your direction,
The silence you wanted!

Mark met with Seohyun and Jeno a little farther away from the alley

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Mark met with Seohyun and Jeno a little farther away from the alley.

"Well done. You passed this test," said Mark once they were in audible distance. He held out a piece of folded paper towards her which she took from him although confused about it.

"So who do you want me to deliver this to?" She asked.

Mark chuckled at her 'joke' and shook his head. "This is for you. Read it when you get back home."

"Oh- okay," said Seohyun stuffing it in her pocket. "What would happen to them though?" She asked glancing back at the 3 unconscious men.

"Don't worry about that. We'll take care of it," said Jeno, "What you need to worry about is your wound."

"Are you okay?" Mark intervened when Jeno mentioned her wound. He wasn't too concerned but he knew Hyerin would be.

"I'm fine- it doesn't hurt that much now. Thanks to you, Jeno," she replied turning to him and bidding them both good night as she walked towards her bike.

Seohyun grabbed her helmet and drove past the two Azurites into the cloudy night to go back to her temporary 'home' - Hyerin's place.

She parked her bike at some distance from Hyerin's home to not disturb and wake her up with the booming noise of the engine. Seohyun fished out the spare key, given to her by Hyerin earlier that night, from her pocket, opened the door and closed it noiselessly behind her. She slid across the living room to make way to hers.

Once inside, the first thing Seohyun did was strip off her clothes and step into the warm shower. She had nearly forgotten about her wound but was reminded of it when she tried to raise her arm to rinse her head, but a handkerchief appeared in her peripheral vision - Jeno's handkerchief. Seohyun untied it to examine the wound under it.

Shit! That looks bad.
I'll call Doyoung tomorrow.

She threw the bloodied handkerchief over the pile of her dirty clothes that needed to be washed, noting to return it later. Seohyun finished her bath- with much difficulty of course- and stepped out with her nightdress on. It consisted of a loose silk top and shorts.

Seohyun had already cleaned her wound with water earlier and now brought out the first-aid kit, and applied the antiseptic on a cotton ball before placing it on the gash and covering it with a bandage as best as she could. She looked at the result in the bathroom mirror and wasn't too satisfied with it but that was her only option.

This will have to do for now.

Seohyun hadn't forgotten to put her phone and Mark's note on the bedside table earlier though. Now she just plugged her phone into the charger, completely disregarding the note, promising herself to read it the next morning.

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