¤Chapter 17

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On my neck, I wrapped the axis around it;
You're mistaken, this ain't no scarf.
The ability that appears here and there,
We accomplish it in the end!

"What are you doing here?" asked Donghyuck, who was the first one to break out of the trance

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"What are you doing here?" asked Donghyuck, who was the first one to break out of the trance.

"I could ask the same," retorted Seohyun, who was not very excited to meet the 'rude' boy from the alley again.

"I asked first, so you answer first," said Donghyuck shrugging as he raised an eyebrow, waiting for her reply.

"Well, if it isn't visible, I have a wound on my neck and Renjun here treated it. Now, he isn't allowing me to go home," said the last part glancing towards Renjun.
"Now your turn," she said reverting her full attention back to Donghyuck.

"Well, if it isn't visible," he copied her words and mimicked her voice, "You are in my home and Renjun here...," he was at a loss for words at the importance of Renjun's presence.
"Well, he's here for I don't know what.

Renjun was silent throughout the conversation but decided to intervene only when curiosity got the best of him.

"Do you two know each other?" He questioned, referring to each with a point of finger.

"Yes," said Seohyun.
"No," said Donghyuck.

This response left the young medic even more puzzled than he was before.

"So," he stretched the word, eyes jumping from Donghyuck to Seohyun back and forth, "Yes or no?" He tried again.

"No," said Seohyun.
"Yes," said Donghyuck.

"Settle on one answer, will you?" Renjun burst out, whose patience was slowly running out at the child-like behaviour of the two fully grown adults before him.

"Don't worry about that," Seohyun waved off the topic with a shake of her head and winced again. Renjun glared at her for the carelessness and the girl only sheepishly smiled as she made a quick apology.

Donghyuck had opened his mouth to speak something when the door creaked open. The person peeped inside to find the two patients already awake as he walked in.

"Jaemin!" Seohyun exclaimed, excited to meet her newly made friend after almost a month.

"How are you feeling?" asked Jaemin as he advanced towards the injured people, taking his position in between both their beds after pushing away an agitated Renjun who was complaining about it being past visitor hours and that they needed to rest.

"I'm fine, just-"

"Not you," Jaemin shushed Donghyuck who had begun replying to the question.
"I'm talking to Seohyun," he said turning to the girl.

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