¤Chapter 4

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"DAHEE!" Both Seohyun and Haeyoon turned around and exclaimed together upon hearing the familiar voice

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"DAHEE!" Both Seohyun and Haeyoon turned around and exclaimed together upon hearing the familiar voice.

Seohyun had been eagerly looking forward to meeting Dahee. Moreover, she was excited to see Haeyoon's reaction, who was unaware of Dahee's return.

Dahee had been like an older sister to both of them. But she graduated two years ago. Now, she had moved to Europe for her higher degree. She had last returned during Christmas vacation, in December. It was already 6 months since. Despite having different choices and interests, the trio was inseparable.

Seohyun had known Dahee since she was a kid. Then she met Haeyoon in her first year of university. Although she had had difficulty trusting her at first, she slowly began opening up and now they were stuck to each other at the hip. And when she introduced Dahee and Haeyoon to each other, both the girls instantly clicked. The trio loved and adored each other very much.

"Dahee wait for me." The 3-year-old Seohyun called out, trying her best to catch up with the 5-year-old Dahee who was running a step ahead of her.

"Run faster Hyunie, I can see....." The little Dahee replied.

"Dahee, look at my new dress." The 6-year-old Seohyun twirled around while pinching the hem of her new frock.

"Dahee hurry up, we are going to miss the bus." The 10-year-old Seohyun said to Dahee as she waited at her doorstep, while she put on her shoes.

"Just say that you are excited to meet Suhyeon." 12-year-old Dahee said, smirking.

"You know it's not like that." She replied quietly but the blush on her cheeks was louder.

"What's wrong Hyunie?" The 15-year-old Dahee asked as she let in the 13-year-old Seohyun, who was crying.

"I think I just got my first period."

"That's great. You're a grown woman now." Dahee replied, hugging the younger girl with a smile on her face.

"If you like him that much, why don't you go and confess?" The 17-year-old Seohyun nudged Dahee as she sat beside her on the sofa.

"Do you think he likes me back?" Dahee asked, turning to face her.

"Oh my gosh, Dahee stop drinking so much. It will affect your health." The 18-year-old Seohyun scolded Dahee who was drunk.

"Hyunie, we broke up." Dahee slurred out, as she began crying.

"It's going to be okay. You have me and Yoonie now." Seohyun hugged Dahee's crouching figure, as she pat her back gently.

"Hello, Earth to Seohyun." Dahee waved her hand in front of Seohyun's face, who had zoned out, taking a trip down memory lane.

Despite most of her memories from her childhood being bad, she was glad to have Dahee as a part of her only few good memories which she wanted to cherish for the rest of her life.

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