¤Chapter 21

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Seohyun and Chenle ascended the jet black stairs leading to the second storey of the mansion

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Seohyun and Chenle ascended the jet black stairs leading to the second storey of the mansion.

However, instead of acqainting Seohyun with the rooms on the said floor, Chenle first pulled the girl to the spacious balcony that extended outside the main floor. It was big enough to stand out when seen from the back yard downstairs. There were two smaller balconies on each of its side, attached to the rooms respectively.

The main veranda was nice and airy, perfect for the nights when you wanted a breakaway or needed a place to vent out your feelings.

A very vivid and clear view of the open sky could be witnessed from the place where Seohyun stood at the moment, leaning on the solid wall that prevented her from falling face first on the luscious grass that grew in the yard, and probably breaking a few- or maybe a lot of- bones.

Coming out from her second favorite place already, Seohyun and Chenle walked towards the rooms on the floor, 4 in all- two on the right and two on the left.

They began with the room closest to them, the one on the right, if you were facing the long hallway before you, like Seohyun and Chenle in the moment. It was basically the room whose balcony was on the left of bigger veranda when you faced the sky.

That room belonged to the member beside her. Nevertheless, right from the moment he opened the door for her like a gentleman that he was (not), Seohyun had to pinch her nose shut because of the excruciating smell that erupted from his room- the smell of unwashed clothes mixed with cheese flavored Cheetos. However, the latter wasn't anywhere to be spotted inside room while there was a truck load of the former.

Chenle gave her a sheepish smile.
"Oops- sorry," he apologized while entering the subtle pink and bright yellow colored room, that matched his jolly personality.

He picked up a few disregarded shirts from the floor, bundled them in a soft ball and tossed them into the overflowing cloth tub at the far end of the room. Seohyun didn't miss the small 'woo' he said after making a perfect shot.

"It's a little messy," he said turning back to her after discarding the nearly a week old bowl of half-finished instant noodles into the dustbin after he was stopped by Seohyun from consuming them.

"You mean a little too messy?" She questioned with a 'bruh' look on her face, eyeing the cluttered place with a look of slight disgust.

"You can say that too," he rubbed the back of his neck in embarrassment.
He motioned behind himself with open palms, introducing her to his chamber.
"Anyways, this is my room. There's nothing much here......except," he paused after the word to walk towards the thing he was excited to show off.


He opened the balcony door, letting fresh air enter the den after a while. Seohyun followed the boy who was already outside, inviting her to come and join him.

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