¤Chapter 2

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"LEE JENO. What took you so long? Oh my god...dude, how did you get hurt? Why did you bring this bag back? Where's the money-"

"MARK! Slow down. I got into a fight with that man. He was a fake one, nothing much. Put up a tough fight though, but he can't match me, you know." Jeno replied while flexing his biceps.

He had been out for longer than usual, which worried all members, mostly Mark. Being a leader, and the oldest, he felt that he was responsible for them.

"How long have been hurt for?" Renjun asked entering the room. He had been waiting for Jeno's arrival, after hearing the news of his injury from Mark.

"Somewhat around an hour. But I tied this handkerchief around it, so it has stopped bleeding." Jeno replied.

"An hour? Wasn't your deal just 5 blocks down the street? It takes only 10 minutes to our home." Mark interjected with questioning eyes.

"It doesn't concern you-"

"Of course it does. You're my brother."

"So what-"

Mark opened his mouth to reply.

"BOTH OF YOU SHUT THE FUCK UP!" Renjun interposed, not giving him a chance to speak. "You-" he said, pointing to Jeno, "I need to tend your wound first. And You-" he said, pointing to Mark this time, "can have this conversation later."

Renjun exited the room, towards his 'treatment chamber', as he liked to call it, with Jeno slowly trailing behind him. Mark could only watch Jeno's retreating figure.


"Ouch!" Seohyun glared at Haeyoon. "Be gentle, will you? What- are you trying to kill me or something?"

It was nearing noon and the girls were currently sitting in Haeyoon's room, as she applied ointment to Seohyun's laceration. Seohyun had already tied a crepe bandage around the older girl's sprained ankle. The swelling had gone down greatly and they were thankful.

"Stop acting like a baby. It's only a small gash, it'll heal in a few days. You'd know better." Haeyoon snapped at her best friend's childish behavior. "What happened to my brave tigress? Turned into a pussy?" She mocked.

"Fuck you!" Seohyun hissed as Haeyoon applied a little extra pressure.

"Gladly, when?"
"But what happened though?" Haeyoon asked with seriousness slowly lacing her tone.

Seohyun enthusiastically turned around to face Haeyoon. "You won't believe who I ran into?"

 Haeyoon gasped dramatically. "Satan?" And her seriousness was gone.

"No, his son." Seohyun replied, pretending to match her excitement.

Haeyoon looked at her questionably. "Did you possibly hit your head too?"

"No, idiot. I nearly ran down an Azurite."

Haeyoon's eyes widened in surprise.

Seohyun then told her everything in detail about the accident that occurred the previous night.

"So you're telling me that he gave you his jacket? Like for real?" Haeyoon had a hard time digesting the fact that a member from Azure Blaze would be so kind as to lend their jacket to a stranger.

Azurites were notorious for their ruthlessness.

"I know, I refused. But he insisted, saying that my wound might get infected. Ironic of him, telling that to a medical graduate." Seohyun scoffed.

"This is our chance. We can use his jacket as a medium to reach them."

Seohyun's face lit up with this suggestion.
"But how are we going to find him again?" And her face fell as quick.

"All the Azurites have their tattoos on different places dumbo." Haeyoon rolled her eyes at Seohyun's stupidity.

And the realization hit her. How could she be so dumb?

Now I just need to find the one who has the tattoo above his left pectoral.

"Say did you see his face?" Haeyoon questioned her for some hints that could make their work easier.

"I couldn't, the light was too dim to distinctly make out his facial features. I don't think he saw mine either."

"It's fine. And I think you're safe." Haeyoon sighed relieved. She had asked Seohyun to leave the 'tattoo placement search' to her.


"You are not safe. I am going to kill you. Come back here, you little shit-"

Jeno had been laying awake in his room for quite a long time. He just didn't have the strength to go down. He could hear Chenle loudly chasing someone, most probably Jisung, downstairs. It was a normal day for them.

"It's definitely something important if it keeps you up all night." Mark said walking into Jeno's room.

The curtains had been drawn closed and there was no source of light except for the speck peeking from the hallway outside. Mark switched on the LED lights on his ceiling.

Jeno sat up and made space for him.
"What brings you here?"

Mark walked further into the room and closed the door behind him quietly, as he sat down at the edge of the bed and faced Jeno.

"I want to talk to you."

"Wait before that, do you know about the Jungs' daughter?"

"The Jungs' daughter.....hmmm." Mark wrecked his brain for any piece of information and suddenly he remembered.
"Ah yes, I don't know much about her but I've heard she's never let out of her house on any missions. I had seen her face only once in a picture in Dad's room. But that was a long time ago when we were all kids."
"Why do you ask though?" Mark wondered.

"I bumped into a girl last night, after my deal. She had the rosettes' tattoo on her right shoulder. Do you think that's her?"

He then proceeded to tell Mark about his encounter with Seohyun and how he saw her tattoo had been exposed when she fell off the bike. That was the thing that had stopped him from leaving without helping her.

Mark's eyes widened in surprise with each word Jeno said.

"But how are you going to find her if you didn't see her face?"

"My jacket. It still has the Bluetooth tracker Jisung put in it from our last mission."

"Great. I'll ask Jisung to track it later. You rest up till then." Jeno nodded at his words.

"Soon she'll be ours. The only daughter of the Jung Family."

"What are you guys talking about?"

"What are you guys talking about?"

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Oooohhh who is it?????👀👀

Also thank u for being so patient🩷

Happy Haechan Day💚💚
I didn't know I could love a human being sooo much until he came along✨️
Thanks for always making me smile Hyuckie🩵

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