¤Chapter 15

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One, two and maybe seven o'clock;
Time with you,
The world stops!

One, two and maybe seven o'clock;Time with you,The world stops!

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Donhyuck was all set for the party.

He had received the news of the date change earlier that day and had rushed to Busan with his car in the morning. He dragged Renjun along, saying something like 'I don't wanna go alone' and 'What if something happened to me?'

Or maybe that was just his excuse to spend some time with his best friend.

Donghyuck was dressed in casual party wear that was neither too extra nor too plain.

He had worn a teal green (no, he didn't know about Seohyun wearing the same colour) suit with a black silk shirt inside. The top two buttons of the shirt had been undone, giving the ladies a sneak peek only to leave them fantasising about the rest.

Oh, he looked so hot!

Donghyuck (or maybe Renjun) had parted his dirty brown hairs. One side was slicked back to expose his forehead while the other side had been left messy.

He had paired this outfit with casual black shoes. A gold chain with beads (coincidentally it matched Seohyun's) was settled on his neck while rings adorned his fingers, claiming them. Of course, he hadn't forgotten his typical watch- silver metallic belt with blue dial- that he wore to any and every occasion.

He hadn't forgotten his mask either. The mask was a simple black one with green glitter around the eye slits. Donghyuck had picked up the first mask that had a hint of green in it as he didn't have much time to prepare that day.

Yes, he carried all the necessary weapons - his precious knife was hidden in his coat pocket while two guns were on his waistband. Another smaller gun rested on his left ankle, covered by his pants.

Overall, his look would leave girls drooling over him but in reality, none would get him, or would they?

Donghyuck reached the venue exactly at 7 in the evening. He had come there with a mission and didn't waste much time stalling around the premises as he made his way towards the entrance.

Although Mark had strictly warned him that he should include Seohyun in the assignment too, Donghyuck preferred to do it alone. However, he had to look for her first- near the fountain Mark had said.

From afar, he had seen the guards ask each person for their invitation cards. Donghyuck had his, safe in his pocket. He pulled out the golden black card, ready to walk through when a girl brushed past him.

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